Chapter 22: Help Me Steve

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You feel like you've been running forever-the cold air, biting at your face, as tears threaten to fall.  You've been part of the Avengers team for a long time, but you're not sure you've ever been as scared as you are right now.

Still checking behind you and making sure Bucky isn't around, you finally spot the compound.  Running inside, you can hear Steve's voice upstairs, so you know he's there.  Although you're still panicking, you know he'll help.

Racing up there stairs, you burst into the central room.  You're about to shout Steve's name, when you hear another voice.  It's too late, you're already in the room, before you realise it's Bucky.  Somehow he's forseen your idea to get back to the compound to tell Steve, and has got there before you.

That familiar sinking feeling presents itself again.  Not only are you still not safe, Steve is now in danger too.  You can't possibly tell him about Bucky and Zemo.

Steve looks over at you, as you attempt to catch your breath.  "Hey, you ok?"  He asks.

You catch Bucky's eye and he's stoic, staring at you, not saying a word.

"Yeah I'm good!  Just tired after my run."  You say, half smiling.

Steve seems amused.  "Haha you sure?" He laughs.  "I know what you're like when you run, remember?"

You laugh too, but its false.  Just the memory of when you've been running with Steve-before all of this, is enough to make you break down.  You long for those happier times.

Bucky has had enough.  "She's fine," he murmurs.

Steve looks over at him, a small frown on his face.  

Sensing Bucky's tone, you put on your brightest smile.  "Y-yeah.  All good here haha."

Bucky stands, and for one tiny second, you hope he's leaving.  You know deep down however, that he isn't.

"Been great catching up Cap," he says.  "But I'd better take this one to dinner like I promised her-right?"  He looks at you as he speaks to Steve.  You know you don't have any choice but to go along with it.

Bucky walks over to where you're standing, and places his hand on your back.  With a little bit of force, he ushers you out.

As you leave the building, he gets closer to your side.  "Don't mess this up," he says menacingly.  Your whole body tenses, and you once again have the feeling you're going to cry,

A few minutes after you've left, Steve puts in a call.

"Cap? What's up?"  Natasha says when she answers.  

"I need your help," Steve replies.  

Somehow Nat knows immediately it's because something has happened to you.  She knows Steve wouldn't sound like this for anyone else.

"Oh god, what's happened," she asks.

"Bucky was here," he says.  "He's taken her Nat."

Nat's heart sinks.  "I'm on my way," she says.

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