Chapter 62: The Bachelorette

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It's the night of your bachelorette party, but you've asked it to be super low key, with just Pepper and Nat.  Never a fan of massive parties, Steve has done exactly the same with his bachelor party, and is having drinks with Tony, Sam, Bruce and James.

Nat has been concocting cocktails all evening, and basically just trying them all on her own, but you're just not feeling it.  You think you're coming down with something, and aren't used to being away from Steve, so are missing him.

Nat interrupts your thoughts.

"C'mon, are we getting this party started or not?" She asks.  "Drink?"

You look down at the dirty red-coloured drink she just poured, and frown.

"I'm good Nat." You say, pushing the cocktail glass back towards her.

"Right, what's up?"  She asks.  "You're not yourself tonight, and haven't been for a few days."

"She's right." Pepper says as she walks over to you both.  "What's up Sis?"

"Honestly, it's nothing girls." You say.  "I'm just nervous.  I feel like I'm constantly waiting for Steve to change his mind, or for something to go wrong.  My stomach is constantly in knots, and I'm waiting for him to decide he's happier somewhere else...."

Nat smiles as she looks down slightly, before looking back at you.

"Well....that's not going to happen babe," she begins, as you frown in response.  "Steve isn't going to thank me for telling you this, so say nothing.  But I knew for a long time, how Steve felt about you.  I watched him fall apart when he thought he'd lost you.  He loves you.  More than I've ever see anyone love another person."

Your eyes fill with tears at your friends words.  Everyone is quiet, taking in the information, when Pepper leans across the bar area to you....

"Yep....and we'd kick his a*s if he even thought of screwing you over."  She says slurring her words.

" more alcohol for Pepper."  You say laughing.  "Thank you ladies.  Now what's say we ditch these party clothes for our pyjamas, grab a drink and watch a movie.  I just want to chill, and not be unwell for the wedding-is that ok?"

"Of course, Mrs Rogers to be."  Natasha says smiling, as she lifts the two cocktails she's just poured.

"Jesus Nat," you say back.  "I did mention my stomach being in knots didn't I?!  Definitely make it worse with sentences like that!"

"Haha!  Not even sorry," Nat says.  

You smile....."Mrs Rogers to be" you say to yourself.  "I do like that."

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