Chapter 1: Running with Rogers

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"On your left!" you heard as he ran past you for what felt like the 50th time that morning.

That was Steve, your best friend, who also happened to be Captain America-which makes total sense as to why every time you both came out for a run, you'd end up being lapped several hundred times. Well, that and the fact your were totally unfit and not really a natural runner.

"Nope, not again Rogers-I'm done!", you half-yelled, breathing heavily as he rounded the corner.

He carried on running past you, until he'd yet again, done another lap, and found you, leaning against a tree in the shade, trying to catch your breath.

"You're done? You say this every time!" he joked, as he stood above you, hands on his hips, not even remotely out of breath.

"I know I say it every time, but I mean it this time Steve-I wish Pepper had never introduced us!"

"Haha", laughed Steve, walking away slowly shaking his head. "Now I know you don't mean that. C'mon my little bestie-up!"

Honestly, how anyone ever said no to this man was beyond you. You knew he was right, and honestly, you did always moan and whine whenever you came out on these runs with him. But Steve was also right about you both being best friends, and you honestly loved this time you had together when he was just Steve-not the crime fighting Avenger "Captain America".

"Urgh, you know I hate it when you're right don't you", you said back while rolling my eyes. "Fine, I'll get up. But I'm walking back.....and slowly!"

Steve sighed, smirking a little.
"Right, slowly....or, I could just throw you over my shoulder and carry you back to the compound?!"

Your heart raced. You could just imagine how that would go down-him carrying you back through the compound doors to a room full of people.
"Steve-you wouldn't dare! Imagine what Tony would say if he saw you manhandling his Sister-in-law!"
Tony married your Sister, Pepper, last year and he was the older Brother you'd never had. Controlling, bossy, intense, and incredibly protective over you-he was also loving, caring and the best Husband you could have ever hoped for, for your beautiful Sister. He would definitely not enjoy Steve lobbing you over his shoulder and carrying you through the city.

You didn't hang around long enough for Steve to put what he'd threatened into practice-but you did manage to get him to walk slowly back to the compound. Well, as slowly as Captain America could walk anyway.

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