Chapter 44: Losing Control

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It's a few days later, and you're still struggling with the blurriness to your vision.  Unfortunately, there still hasn't been an opportunity to tell Steve, especially today, when you've arranged a visit from Sharon.

As Steve lets her in, you steel yourself for the conversation you're about to have.  You know the baby isn't Steve's, but it still gets to you that she went so far with her lies. 

As she walks into the room, her gaze lands upon you.  If anything, she actually looks shocked to see you.

"What's wrong Sharon?" You ask.  "Didn't expect to see me today?"

Sharon smirks.  "Well, you won't be here for much longer." She says with venom in her voice.

Steve steps in front of you.  

"Watch your mouth Sharon."  He warns.

Time seems to stand still, as Sharon starts walking towards Steve, until she is just a few inches away from his body.

"Oh don't be like that baby," she drawls.  "You know you're going to choose me and this baby instead of her eventually."

You can feel your anger boiling inside of you.  Noticing Steve doesn't know what to say next, you step forward.  

"Steve.  I need a moment with Sharon."

You can see the turmoil in Steve's face.  He said he wouldn't leave you alone with her, but he also knows that you need this time to get closure after your ordeal-something that wouldn't have happened had Sharon not come to the compound with her lies.

"Fine, but I'm going to be right outside this door OK?"  He says, coming over to you and kissing your forehead.   You watch him with a small smile, as he leaves the room, before you turn back to Sharon ready to give her what for.  Unfortunately, she beats you to it.

"You're delusional if you think he's even remotely interested in staying with a tramp like you, when he could have me."  She spits.

The anger inside of you reaches new heights, and you try to take a breath.  Your vision blurs once again, and you feel your entire body burning up.  Losing control, you take a step towards Sharon and shove her.  Shoving you back, she makes another wrong decision, by laughing at you.

All of a sudden your vision goes completely, and you look down, about to panic.  As you look back up and your eyes open, light shines from them.  Sharon can't even look at you-the glare is so bright, and, as she looks down, her eyeline meets your hands, which are now glowing.  You run at her again, but this time she backs up, screaming.

Steve bursts through the door, just after your eyes stop glowing.    Before Sharon can tell him anything, you shout at him.

"Get her out of here now Steve!  Her and her disgusting lies!"

Sharon looks confused.

"Oh yeah, we know all about your fabricated story Sharon-we know the baby isn't Steve's." You rant at her.

Steve moves towards Sharon.

"She's right Sharon," he says.  "We have proof that you're lying-get out!"

Sharon has the audacity to smirk.

"You haven't seen the last of me." She says as she leaves, under your and Steve's gaze.

As you turn back towards him, you notice his angry look.

"Don't look at me like that Rogers!  She deserved it.  I couldn't bear her looking at you like that, speaking to you at all, let alone calling you cutesy pet names, and being so close to you.  I lost it!"

"You could've been hurt," Steve fumes.  "I told you at the hospital, I couldn't live without you, and you go and put yourself in danger like that!"

You start to understand why Steve is reacting like this-and begin to feel remorseful.

"I'm sorry.  I really am Steve.  But, it's over now.  Forgive me?  I love you Steve."

"I'm sorry too," Steve replies,  and you know I love you too."

You go to him and his arms envelop you.

Kissing the top of your head, he moves back to look in your eyes.

"Just don't do anything like that ever again...ok."

"Deal." You say back.

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