Chapter 15: The Unwanted Guest

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It's the morning after the night before, and Steve is trying to sneak out his guest.  Ushering her out of his bedroom, he tip toes down the hallways, while she makes as much noise as is humanly possible with her 4 inch heels.  Steve's heart is pounding in his chest as he tries to walk her out faster, before anyone notices she's there.

He manages to get her down the stairs  and to the front door, when she stops and faces him.

"Well, that was a good night Captain", she says, seductively, while batting her eyelashes and touching his chest with her perfectly manicured fingers.

Steve sighs.  "It was, but I meant what I said Sharon.  Last night cannot happen again."

Sharon isn't one to take no for an answer, and her fingers still continue to draw small circles around Steve's body.  "Oh come on Steve", she drawls.

"I mean it Sharon, I was drunk.  Jesus, I shouldn't have even been drinking after the concussion.  It's been a rough few days and I wanted some fun.  I can't repeat this."  Steve insists.

You heard the footsteps going past your room, and could make out Steve's hushed tones, so you came out to see what all the bustle is about at stupid-o-clock.  Steve hasn't seen you arrive, but you lock eyes briefly with Sharon Carter just before she turns back to Steve.

You feel like you stop breathing, as if in slow motion, you watch Sharon pull Steve's t-shirt towards her, and kiss him deeply.  For a second, you swear you see him reciprocate the kiss, before pulling away, almost realising his mistake.

As she looks at him in the eyes, she smirks and whispers something in his ear that you can't hear from your hiding spot.

"I'll let you explain this to her", she mutters, leaning in briefly before confidently strutting away.

Confused, Steve stands for a second, frowning as he tries to make out what Sharon meant.  You know you should leave before he sees you and it becomes awkward, but after how he's been with you about Bucky, and then in the hospital, you keep your feet stubbornly on the ground. 

You watch as he turns slowly, to walk back in, with confusion still etched on his face.  When he locks eyes with you, he stops in his tracks.  You keep your face and emotions stoic, as you turn and walk back into the compound before he can speak to you.

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