Chapter 20: Steve's Happiness

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After the stress and upset of the last couple of weeks, you're glad to finish work and see a relatively normal scene around the compound.  Tony is in his workshop, on the phone smiling-you know instantly he's speaking to Pepper.  
Nat and Steve are sat at opposite sides of a table, paperwork spread out between them, barely speaking and  busily working.

You're so happy that you and Steve are now talking again.  The whole mood between everybody feels better-even Nat has her happy disposition back, and that's saying something for her!

You stand for a second and debate what to do with your evening.  One of your favourite things to do is to sing.  Personally you don't think you're anything special, but music makes your heart happy, and when Pepper informed Tony of that, he immediately installed a piano in a room in the compound for you.  As a young child, you took piano lessons, so music comes naturally to you even now as an adult.

You pass Steve and Nat, as they sit working through some mission reports, giving them both a small smile, and head to your favourite room in the house.

Sitting at the grand piano, you take a breath before beginning to sing.

"......But you make me wanna act like a girl, Paint my nails and wear high heels."

Steve looks straight up from where he's sat, in the direction of your voice.  You don't notice because you've closed your eyes while you sing.

".....So I'm putting my defenses up.  'Cause I don't wanna fall in love. If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack........"

Nat looks over at Steve while he's fully engrossed in your music.  "She loves that song doesn't she?"  She asks knowingly.

"Mmhmm", Steve replies, still not taking his eyes away from the doorway.

"You've still not told her, have you", Natasha asks.

Steve turns back towards Nat.  "Nope.  And you know why Nat."

He turns away, his eyes falling upon his friend.  Nat follows his gaze and her sees who he's now looking at-Bucky.

"Look how he looks at her Nat", Steve says sadly.  "I can't tell her, because I can't take that away from her.  She's my best friend."

Nat looks wistfully back at him.  "At what cost to you though Steve?"

"That doesn't matter", Steve replies.  "I'll be fine.  Just leave it now Nat."

 He glances once more between you singing and Bucky watching you, and goes back to his work, ignoring Natasha shaking her head in sadness as he does so.

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