Chapter 58: Tell me!

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Steve has been disappearing more and more and you've noticed some little isolated, whispering conversations, between him and the closer members of the team.  During some down time where you're all together, you decide to start grilling them.

Steve, unfortunately, knows exactly what you're planning.

"They're not going to say a thing!"  He says, trying not to look amused.  "I've sworn them all to secrecy!"

"I'll take that as a challenge Rogers!"  You reply.  "Nat!  What's happening?!"

Nat gives you her best nonchalant look before replying.

"Sorry," she says.  "Steve said I can't."

"Absolute traitor," you laugh.  "Bruce?!"

"Errrr, I can't."  Bruce says, shaking his head.

"Bruce!  I thought we'd really bonded during our time together," you say laughing at him too.

"That time together you speak of," Bruce says, "nearly got my a*s kicked!  I'm not risking that again!"

You laugh even harder at his reason, before turning towards your Sister and Tony.  He leans straight over to Pepper without even looking at you.

"Can we tell her?"  He asks your Sister.

"Nup."  Pepper says without missing a beat.

"Pepper Stark!" You say open mouthed.  "You're my Sister!"

"I'm very well aware of that." She says.  "But we promised Steve." Leaning back towards her Husband, "Didn't we TONY!"

You can see Tony still doesn't want to go along with this, so you try once more with him.

"Pleeeeeease, Tony?"

He looks back once more at Pepper.  

"Can I tell her?!" He asks once more.

"NO!"  Pepper says slowly, stopping Tony once and for all.

"Well!" You say.  "Basically, you all suck!"

Steve laughs from his seat across the room.

"I told you they wouldn't tell you anything!"

You shake your head, irritated that you're no further in working out what's going on.  You spot Bucky making his way into the room.

"Ooh, hold fire Steve, here comes my last ditch attempt!"  You say looking at Steve smugly.

Bucky holds his hand to his chest in mock shock.

"Well, thanks for that label," he says.  "But no.  Assuming this is about Steve and where he's been, I'm not going to tell you."

"Argh!"  You fume.   "OK then Rogers.  When will I finally find out-you know I hate being kept in the dark AND I hate surprises."

He gets up and comes over, a smile on his face.  Kissing your forehead, he then looks into your eyes.

"I'm not telling you when baby.  But soon, OK?"  

You roll your eyes as he walks away.

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