Chapter 49: Powers

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You've made your way to Dr Strange's home, to work with him on harnessing and controlling your powers.

He is waiting for you upon your arrival, and takes you through to a quiet drawing room.

"Are you ready?" He asks you.

You're nervous, but nod, smiling at him.

He leads you to an outside area, and steps back as you take your position.  You try and concentrate on the feelings you had that ignited your powers before.  You close your eyes, and hold your hands up.  When you open them again, nothing has happened.  You look at Dr Strange confused, and see him smirking slightly.

"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" He asks amused.  "It was never going to be that easy.  These are brand new powers, and you are a mortal."

"So, what do we need to do?" You ask.

"Simply put, we need to trigger your powers."  He replies.

"OK fine, let's do that!" You say.

"Are you sure?" Dr Strange asks.  "These triggers can sometimes be hard going."

You nod, unsure of what will happen, but adamant you're following through with your decision to harness the powers.

Dr Strange begins moving his hands, opening up portals and pushing them towards you.  Beginning the transition to your subconscious, the last thing you see is a bright light, before there is darkness in your vision.

You're walking through rubble.  The air is thick with smoke and there is dampness all around you.  As you continue to walk over large boulders and across uneven ground, something shiny catches your eye.  As you get closer, you realise the shape is familiar.  At least it was.  It's Steve's shield, but now there's only half of it.  

"No...." You murmur as you get closer to it.

Glancing down at it, you see blood on the edge, and place your hand over your mouth to stifle a gasp.  
Turning away, you walk a little further, before discovering the owner of said shield.  Steve's hand is turned at an unnatural angle, and you quickly realise, he is hurt.  Rushing to his side, you crouch down, touching his pale, bloody face.  It is cold, and you move your hand lower to check his pulse-yours now feeling out of control in your own body.  
As your worst fears are confirmed, and you realise he is gone, you let out an almighty scream, closing your eyes and dropping further to the ground.

When you reopen your eyes, you're stood upright, and light is streaming out of your fingertips and palms.  You feel powerful, and in control, and fight the urge to break the connection, to speak to Dr Strange.

As your powers die down, you finally catch his eye.

"Well that'll do it." He says with a smile on his face.

"Yeah...." you say breathlessly.  "That'll do it."

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