Chapter 9: Saving James

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Steve has settled Bucky in, and the rest of the team have de-briefed, cleaned up, and gone off to their respective private areas of the compound for rest.

You've been sat around with Bucky and Steve, while they fill you in on how the mission went, and Bucky briefly brings up the reason he was held for so long and needed Steve's help.  

"So the arm", you ask inquisitively.  "Like, how does it work?  What can you do with it?!"

Bucky laughs, before attempting to reply.  You're sure so many people ask those questions, and wonder if he will actually want to talk about something which is possibly quite traumatising.

Steve laughs too.  "C'mon Winter Soldier, tell her", Steve teases. 

At the name 'Winter Soldier' Bucky's breath hitches.  He goes to stand, but as he does so, drops to his knees.  Breathing heavily, it almost looks like he's having a panic attack.  

"James?" You say seriously.  "Are you ok? What is happening to you?"

His breathing evening out, he looks up at you, unmoving, silent and glassy-eyed.  He stoops over to a chair and falls into it, still not speaking.  As you and Steve move closer to him, he lets out an almighty scream, causing your blood to run cold.   He thrashes and cries out, in visible pain, as if he's transforming into a wild animal.  You cannot bear to see him in such agony, and your shaky hands are brought to your mouth.  Steve steps forward to try and help his friend, but in doing so, puts himself in more danger as Bucky's condition worsens.

"Steve," you shout in concern.  "Don't go any closer to him please!  I don't want you to get hurt!"

Steve retreats, but as he does, you decide to move closer to Bucky yourself.  You're vaguely aware of Steve's voice behind you, willing you to get back too, but your feet carry you closer, ignoring the threat of imminent danger, and your best friend's terrified calls.

As you reach Bucky, you crouch lower, so that your eyes are level with his.

"Bucky", you whisper.  "Can you hear me Bucky.  You're safe here.  We're here to help you.  Come back to us, and we can help."

Bucky visibly calms at the sound of your voice and, while you keep eye contact with him, you move even closer, giving him a small, reassuring smile.

His voice cracks as he speaks, making you jump.  " don't want to hurt anyone."

The pain in his voice, as well as across his strained features, break your heart.  "I got you James.  You're safe with me.  I promise."

You slowly reach your hand out to him, and after a few seconds that feel like a lifetime, Bucky lifts his right hand and puts it in yours.  

Realising he's coming back, you breathe a sigh of relief before turning to him and saying, "It's going to be OK Bucky."

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