Chapter 6: Avengers Assemble

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The compound has been a hive of activity all afternoon.  Steve has been rushing to get his team ready, and making sure everyone is aware of the points of the mission.

He comes to you shortly before they all leave - concern but determination clear across his face.

"I need a favour."  He says to you.  

"Anything", you reply, knowing how much he has to deal with right now.  Any help you can give him you will.

"Stay on comms for me.   Knowing that I'll be bringing James back with me to you and the friends we have here will keep me going when things get hard during the mission."

"I promise", you answer.  

"And one other thing", he says hesitantly.  "I wanted to talk to you in case something happens to me."

"Oh my god Rogers, you have to be kidding me!  You're Captain America.  Nothing is going to happen to you!"  You roll your eyes, while he smiles at the nickname you call him.

"Fine, fine.  You're right, I'll be fine", he concedes.

He smiles once again, after one last look back at you, and leaves the compound with the team.

Popping the earpiece for comms into your ear, you can hear all of the team each time they choose to speak to one another.  

"Hey guys!" You cheerfully say, hearing small laughs in response.

"Right", Steve says to you.  "Make sure everyone's ready for this mission bestie".

You smile to yourself.  Steve has never had an issue with what he says to you when others can hear.  Your friendship is special, open and you both don't care who knows it.

"On it"  you say, unflinching.  "Bruce, you in?"

"We both are", Bruce responds.


"Of course little one!" he says gleefully.


"Yeahhhh, why not!"  Clint replies absent-mindedly.

You smile as you say the next name.  "NAT?"


"TONY? Or am I calling you Iron Man?" you laugh as you call out the penultimate member of the team.

"Very funny" he says back.  "Tony will be just fine".

"Looks like the team are ready Steve," you say proudly.  "Go get them avengers!"

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