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3 years later........

"STEVE!"  You shout across the room at your Husband.  "She's doing it again!"

Laughing, you walk in to find Steve looking incredulously at the four legged fur ball in front of him, eating the tipped over bag of food off of the floor.

"Honey!"  He says, looking down at her.  "Stop that!"

You laugh again.

"Honestly, it's times like this, I want to give that damn dog back to your Sister and Tony!"  He says to you.

"But look at her," you say gesturing toward the golden Labrador puppy Pepper and Tony bought you.  "She's so cute!  You love her really!"

Steve sighs.

"I love her because you do.  And I love you very much Mrs Rogers."  Steve says smiling at you.

You look down.

"Even now?  When I look like this?"  You say sadly.

"Not this again babe."  Steve says shaking his head.

"I know, I know!" You reply.  "I'm just.....well.....look at me Steve.  I'm hardly a model am I....and you're, well....look at you."

Steve cuts you off with a kiss that would knock you off of your feet if his hands weren't holding you up.  Pulling away, both of you are breathless, before he speaks again.

"Does that tell you how much I still want you and love you?  Endgame, remember baby?"

Nodding, because you're still reeling from another one of your Husband's kisses, you find your voice.

"OK, yep, that did it Rogers....jeeze!"  C'mon, lets get outside while it's still sunny.  I'll meet you out there."

You set up camp on a blanket in the shade-the heat really not agreeing with you at the moment.  Before long, you hear the familiar sound of Steve giggling, and then a more high pitched screeching.  

"Daddy's gonna get that ball!"  Steve laughs, as he chases his little boy around the grass.  

"NOOOOOOOOOO!"  Your little boy shouts back.

You laugh, watching them both, until they notice you and come running over.  After a quick cuddle, Steve sets your boy back on his feet, and lets him toddle off to his little play area.

"I think James has an unnatural amount of energy you know," Steve says, as he flops down next to you on the blanket.

"I think you're probably just getting old Rogers," you reply laughing.

"Very funny!"  He says, sitting back up.  "Anyway, I'm gonna need all the energy I can get, once this little lady comes along."  He says, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your bump.  Your daughter is due within the month, and your burgeoning belly moves as your Husband places his hands on it.  "She totally knows it's me you know!"  He says as he moves his hands some more.

You laugh, placing your hands on top of his.  "I think little Natasha is going to be a total Daddy's girl."  You say.

Looking up at him, listening to your Son laugh as he plays in his sand pit, and feeling your little girl kick inside you, you feel like the luckiest woman on the earth.

"I love you Mr Rogers."  You say to Steve, taking his hand in yours.

"I love you too Mrs Rogers.  Forever."


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