Part 37: Exes and Drama

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The next morning, you're in the kitchen eating breakfast, while Steve makes you a packed lunch.

"You know, you don't have to do that."  You tell him, watching him make a mess with the peanut butter he's supposed to be spreading on bread, not the worktops.

Unaware of your concerns over the mess, Steve carries on.

"I know I don't, but I want to." He replies, grabbing for some kitchen towel and dropping the knife covered in peanut butter in the process.

You smile to yourself watching him.

"You're actually adorable, you know that?  Even with peanut butter everywhere."

Steve laughs as he manages to retrieve the knife, and begins cleaning up the mess.

You go back to your morning coffee, when you hear a sound behind you of someone entering the room.  Nat cautiously walks past you, forcing herself not to make eye contact with you or Steve.

In a hushed tone, she speaks to Steve.

"Steve, I need a word.....alone."

Your back goes up, concern pooling in your stomach.  Nat and you are friends, and she would never deliberately hide something from you.

"Is it an emergency Nat, I'm making lunch for my girl right now." Steve replies, cutting the peanut butter sandwich in a kind of half.

You feel your face blush, but Nat still doesn't look in your direction.  You start to feel irritated by the interruption and the fact Nat won't talk to you as well as Steve.

"It really is," Nat stutters.  "I'm gonna need you to come right now Steve."

This time, you've really had enough.

"What is going on Nat?!" you ask abruptly.

This time, she catches your eye, and you swear you see an apologetic look on her face.

"There's someone here and they're insistent on seeing Steve." Nat says.

"Who?" Steve asks, turning around with concern now etched on his face.

The silence is somehow deafening as Nat finds her voice to reply.

"It's Sharon Carter." She says reluctantly.

Steve catches your eye, and your stomach bottoms out.  Sharon hasn't been seen since her night with Steve, and she definitely doesn't know you're now an item.  This can only mean trouble, and you don't know what she's bringing to your door, but you know already that you're not going to like it.

Wiping his hands, Steve makes his way over to you, and holds his hand out for you to take.  You smile sadly at his gesture, because you'd assumed he would go out without you.  You stand and feel him squeeze your palm.

As you exit the kitchen and go into the main room, you see Sharon with her back to you.  As she turns you know you've both seen the same thing-a round baby bump.  Your throat grows thick as you realise why she's here.

Steve speaks first.  "Who's is that?" He asks, pointing slightly at Sharon's stomach.

"The baby?" Sharon retorts.  "Yours obviously."

The world falls away around you, and you just hear the muffled sounds of Steve and Sharon rowing.    You feel Steve let go of your hand and move closer to Sharon as he continues to row with her, and you turn, ignoring it all. 
Walking as fast as you can, you walk out of the compound, leaving behind your phone, keys, purse and most importantly, the love of your life,

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