Chapter 10: First Fight

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You and Steve manage to support Bucky to get him to a bedroom in the compound to rest.  He falls asleep almost immediately-the stress of what had just happened, taking every ounce of energy he had.  You're making sure he's settled when you hear Steve clear his throat behind you.  You turn, and notice he's looking at you seriously, while leaning in the doorway.

"We need to talk", he says sedately.

You check once more on Bucky, and quietly leave the room, closing the door carefully.

You follow Steve to the seating area in the large central room of the compound, and sit across from him, concern etched onto your face.

"Listen, you and I are friends right", Steve asks earnestly.

You smile. "The best of friends Rogers, you know that" you reply, honestly.

"Right, best friends" he says.  "Which means I can be straight up with you.  I need to say something..."

Your stomach turns slightly.  You dislike nothing more than when someone, especially someone you care for, has to speak about something serious.

"It's Bucky", Steve continues, clearing his throat.  "Y'know, he was a good guy before all this.  Deep down he probably still is.  I'm just're getting a little too involved and-"

You cut him off, in disbelief as to what you're hearing.  Steve was a good guy, not someone who would let his own personal feelings cloud his judgment when someone needed help.

"You're kidding me right?"  Your voice starts to get louder.  "Your friend is sick, and you're what, jealous?  Warning me off?  Get a grip Steve this isn't about you, how can you not see that?!  James calmed down because of ME.  He trusts ME.  Is that what this is about-him not trusting you?!  I'm not going to stop caring for him when he needs help because your ego feels a little bruised!"

"That's not what I meant", Steve shakes his head, "I just wanted to- ".

"NO! NO STEVE", you are now shouting in anger.  "This conversation is DONE.  He needs help.  I cannot ignore that.  I didn't think you could either, but clearly I got you all wrong!  I'm helping him.  You have to let me help him."

You don't even let Steve respond before you're turning on your heel and returning to Bucky's bedside.

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