Chapter 47: Dr Strange

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The following day, you and Steve follow Bruce to a large building, hidden away off a side street, Downtown.

As you enter through the large wooden doors, you are unaware as to exactly who Bruce is bringing you to.

Smiling, Bruce moves aside, and introduces you to the person he says can help you.

"Guys, this is Dr Stephen Strange."

A man in a red cape, floats through the air in front of you.  You stifle the gasp that you want to make, and squeeze Steve's hand instead.

"Mr Strange.  It's really good to meet you." You say, smiling at him.

Steve lets go of your hand and turns to face Bruce.  

"You brought my girl to a wizard Banner?!" he says, in a hushed but angry tone.

Bruce doesn't get chance to reply.

"I am a doctor actually Mr Rogers.  And if you'd like me to help 'your girl', may I make a suggestion that you move aside?"  Dr Strange says.

You step forward.

"You can help me get rid of whatever this is in my body then Dr?" You ask hopefully.

"Do you want to get rid of it?" Dr Strange asks you.

"What do you mean?  Why would I want to keep it?"

"She wants to go back to normal, not have these powers inside her!" Steve interjects.

"Wait a second Steve." Bruce says.  "What if Dr Strange is right.  What if she could use her powers to help us and others, rather than just getting rid of them?"

As you listen to them both discuss the situation, you look over to see Dr Strange leaning against a wall, arms folded.  You smile slightly at his stance.  Suddenly Steve turns to speak to you.

"What do you want to do?" He asks you.

Before you have chance to respond, Dr Strange pushes himself back off the wall and walks slowly towards you.

"I can feel that you have the strength to harness these powers.  But this has to be something you're fully invested in, and it be completely your decision."

"I don't know." You reply, nibbling your bottom lip nervously.  "I didn't even think about using the powers."

Dr Strange nods.

"I understand.  Why don't you go and think about it.  I'm not going anywhere, and will happily help in whichever decision you make."

You thank him before leaving.  You have a big choice to make.

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