Chapter 56: Bucky and Steve

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Bucky leaves his room after speaking to you and heads out to the back of the compound where he knows Steve is. 
Steve is chopping wood and stops as he goes to break another log in two, as he sees Bucky walking towards him.

"I wondered when I'd see you."  Steve tells him.  "But I hope you've been to see my girl before you even thought of coming to see me."

"I've just spoken to her actually."  Bucky replies.  "She said she forgives me, which I know is absolutely not deserved."

"That's my girl," Steve says.  "Very easy to forgive."

"I know, but I really don't deserve it after everything I've done."  Bucky replies.

Steve doesn't respond to that part.  After a short silence he speaks again.

"Where have you been anyway Buck?" He asks.

Bucky takes a breath.  

"I've been working through the you remember it?"  Bucky asks.

"Ah yes, the book of all of the people you've wronged?   Or that you think you've wronged."  Steve clarifies.

"Yeah that one," Bucky says with a small smile.  "I've been hunting down them or their families, and making amends.  And I've been with the Dora Milaje."

"Ah,"  Steve replies.  "So we don't have to worry about the Winter Soldier anymore?"

"I don't think so,"  Bucky replies.  "The Dora have told me they've stopped the triggers, but I suppose it's been so long, I can never be 100% sure."

"Just so long as my girl isn't in danger then I'm happy."  Steve says.  Bucky nods. 

"I'm sorry Steve, for everything.  I will prove to you how sorry I am."  Bucky says sincerely.

Steve smiles.

 "So, you planning on hanging around for a bit?"

"If you'll have me buddy,"  Bucky says with a bigger smile.

From the large window that backs onto the green the other side of the compound, you watch the two of them talk.  You can't hear what's being said, but you can see the moment their expressions change, leading into Steve patting Bucky on the shoulder and handing him an axe. 

Finally, everything seems to be going back to normal.  You hope that this is a sign of things to come from now on.....

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