Chapter 26: Let's Talk

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You enter the large room, which houses the gym equipment most of the team use.  Right now, it's empty, but you know there is one person here, hidden away in the corner he favours the most.

Moving towards the muffled noises of your best friends punches against the sand filled bags, you stop as you get close enough to see him.  Standing still, you zone out, watching his toned arms, flex and tense each time they reach out to the bag.  Briefly forgetting where you are and why you're there, you take a deep shaky breath, still focusing on his arms.

He turns almost immediately, and you shake yourself free of your slightly inappropriate thoughts.  

"What do you want?"  Steve snappily asks you.

Without waiting for your reply, he goes back to punching the bag in front of him.  

"I came to apologise Steve.  I'm so sorry if I upset you upstairs.  I was just joking around and I honestly didn't mean anything by it!"

As you're speaking, Steve's punches get harder and faster, and sweat starts to coat his head and face.  You swallow, and at that moment, he abruptly stops, holding onto the bag, panting and staring at you.  He says nothing and walks away slightly, beginning to take off the straps around his fingers.

"Please Steve," you once again speak.  "Please talk to me."

Steve continues to unwrap his hands, while packing the rags into his bag.  After what feels like a lifetime for you, he turns and faces you once more.

"We will talk.  Not here.  Not right now.  But we will."  He says, much less snappy that before.

You take a breath-happy that he's at least talking to you again.

"Fine," you respond.  "But I'm holding you to that Rogers.  We will be sorting this.  I'm not losing you again, you hear me?"

You swear you see him smile slightly at your words as you walk away.  You're at least hopeful that you will be able to sort this.

A few hours later, you're laying on your bed reading, when you hear a tap at your bedroom door.  You look up to see Steve stood, leaning against the door frame.

"Steve!"  you say excited to see him.

He briefly looks down at the floor before looking back at you.  "Let's go do that talking you wanted to do."  He says with a wink.

You don't need to be told twice.  You jump up and throw some clothes on, ready to sort your friendship once and for all.

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