Chapter 5: Will Tony Help?

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After speaking with Pepper, you had headed back to Steve in the compound.  Your stomach is in knots with anxiety and worry-you just hope Pepper has managed to talk Tony around.

Steve hasn't spoken much at all for a while, you can see the worry and emotion etched over his face.

The sensor for the main entrance sounds, signalling the arrival of a member of the team.  You look away from Steve's face long enough to see Nat walk in, dressed in her running clothes.

"Hey Nat", you say quietly, keeping Steve in your peripheral vision to see what his reaction to Nat arriving is going to be.  You know he was hoping it would be Pepper or Tony, so you aren't shocked to see the disappointment he shows, that it's neither of them.

Nat catches you starting at Steve, and her eyes make their way over to him.
"What's up with him?" She says with the usual bravado not unfamiliar to anyone who know her.

You catch Nat up to speed with the days events, explaining that James needs help and that you're just waiting on a decision to be made by Tony on whether he's going to give Steve the support needed.  

Nat looks at both you and Steve seriously.
"Look guys, I know we have our issues with Stark.  He can be a right royal pain in the a*s when he wants to be.  But when we've needed him in the past, he's been there, and I honestly think that will be the case this time too.  Have some faith in him Steve."

Steve tries to look hopeful, but fails and if anything, looks even more despondent.

"I wish I could have faith in him Nat", Steve says sadly.  "But honestly, if I was in his shoes, I think I'd find it hard to deal with this too.  I want him to help, but I genuinely would understand if he didn't want to.  I really don't think I'm going to be able to convince him, or myself otherwise."

Footsteps from across the large room, echo across to you all, and you turn simultaneously to see Tony, casually walking across towards his bar area, clearly having been privy to your conversation with Nat.

"You should definitely listen to Widow, Cap."

It takes you a second, and you frown, needing confirmation of your suspicions.  

"Wait, what?! You stammer.  "Am I right in thinking you're saying to listen to Nat because she's right?  You're going to help Steve get James, Tony?"

"You bet", Tony says, deciding the serious atmosphere can be broken, by jovially replying while fixing himself a drink.  "Errr, what are you waiting for Cap-suit up!"

Steve doesn't need telling twice, and with a shocked smile at you and Nat, he rushes off, ready to start the mission to save his friend.
You can feel your throat thicken with unshed tears for the happiness you have for your best friend.  You glance over at Nat and see her beaming at you, sharing in your elation for Steve.

A few hours later, Steve and Nat are suited up, and ready with a team that Tony offered.  They stand a level above their friends and team mates, ready and willing.

"Avengers", Steve bellows.  "Assemble".

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