Chapter 17: Natasha's Intervention

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It's been a couple of days since you and Steve had your argument, and ultimately, stopped talking.  You've been avoiding each other like the plague, which has been made easier by you having work to do, and him training with other members of the team.

You spend your free time in your room, so that you don't have to pretend you're happier than you feel, but ten minutes ago, Natasha messaged asking you to go and see her for a chat, and you know deep down what this is going to be about.  
Natasha was your friend, but her and Steve had always been closer.  You think she'd be impartial, when it came to choosing whether to side with one of you, but after receiving this message, doubts have begun to creep in.

Taking a breath, you walk out of your room, head held high.  If anything, you can at least fake your happiness and nonchalance until you manage to get back to the safety net of your bedroom.

You see Nat at the front of the building, looking out of the window, as you round the corner.  Taking another breath, you cheerily greet her.  "Hey Nat-how you doing!"

Natasha's face is serious and unmoving as she turns to face you.  Her arms are folded tensely and your bravado wains slightly as you realise she can probably see straight through you.

"You can drop that happy face act", she tells you.

You go to respond but she gets in there first.  "Don't even think about telling me you are happy or OK.  I've seen Steve.  He won't talk to me, or give me any details, but it's clear to see that something bad has happened between you both.  He's not even trying to pretend he's OK though, unlike you."

You look down at your feet, before mumbling a response.  "It'll be fine.  It'll be OK". 

Her face tells you she doesn't agree.  

"By doing nothing?" She questions.  "You're lying.  To me, and to yourself.  This won't get better on it's own."

You have no response for her this time.  All you can think about is how she's right, and how heartbroken you and Steve were when you asked him to leave two days ago.  As your eyes fill with tears, you hear a familiar voice, and turn quickly, clearing your throat and putting a watery smile on your face.

"Hey Dollface", Bucky says, as he walks past you and Natasha.

You smile back at him, before catching Nat's eye.  Her anger is palpable and you wince, wondering what she's going to say now.

"You do realise you're using Bucky as a distraction don't you?"  She seethes.  You shake your head in denial before she starts again.  "Either you sort this stuff with you and Steve, or I will get involved.  And if that happens it won't be pretty."

As she turns on her heel and storms away, you almost let yourself believe what she's just said about you and Bucky.  Sure you hadn't known him long, but you knew enough.  He wasn't a distraction-not in the slightest.

Straightening yourself, you walk towards where you saw him walk to, ignoring Nat's warning.

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