Chapter 65: Mr & Mrs Rogers

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It's the day of your wedding, and you've managed to keep the baby a secret from everyone, including Steve.  You know exactly when you're going to tell him, and you can't wait.

First things first though, it's time to get into your dress.  Pepper helps you button up the long back of the lace, and turns you to look at her.

"You look beautiful little Sis."  She says with tears in her eyes.

"Just don't Pep," you say back.  "If I ruin this make up, I'll be fuming!"  You both laugh, as Nat comes in.

"It's time," she says.  "You ready?" 

Adjusting your veil, you take a deep breath and absent-mindedly touch your stomach.  You remember how you did that when you and Steve first got together, and he told you how he felt the butterflies too.  Little did you know that you'd be marrying him, and those butterflies would be flying around your little baby today.  You smile at the thought.

Turning back to Nat, you smile at her too.

"So ready." You say.

At the church, the small amount of guests are arriving and taking their seats.  There, at the front, is Steve.  Constantly glancing round, he hears James laugh as he turns back.

"You'll give yourself whiplash mate."  He says with a chuckle.

"I can't help it Buck," Steve says smiling at his friend.  "I cannot wait to marry her."

They both look at each other smiling, as the music starts playing, and you begin to make your way down the aisle towards him.  For all of the time he's spent looking for you, he now turns back to regain some composure, before you arrive at his side.

The vicar begins the ceremony, but you only have eyes for your man.  He doesn't look away from you once, until it's time for you both to exchange rings.  He places yours on your finger while reciting his vows that he personally wrote for today.

"My darling girl.  If someone had said to me, that we'd be stood here today, I'd have laughed at them.  I've loved you for what feels like ever, but I was content to be your friend.  I would've just taken a friendship, as I would have taken any form of relationship, just to have you in my life.  But to have you stood here, becoming my wife, and knowing that we're it for each other-endgame, I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the entire world.  I'll love you forever my beautiful girl."

You don't take your eyes off of him once, and before you realise it, he's sweeping away a tear that has fallen down your face.

Clearing your throat, and taking his hand in yours, you begin your vows as you place the ring on his finger.

"Steve, I often kick myself when I think of how much time we wasted-well, that I wasted.  I look back and realise all of the signs were there.  Signs of your love, and your devotion to me, but I mistook that for friendship.  What I've realised is that it was friendship-that's what brought us together.  And our friendship is what we will always have.  What I'm lucky enough to say, is that I am also in love with my best friend.  I couldn't live without you honey.  I'm eternally, forever, always yours.  Thank you for waiting for me.  I love you."

As you wiggle the ring further onto his finger, he leans in.

"Thank god it fits."  He laughs.

The vicar stands before you, and touches both of your hands before announcing the words you've both been waiting for.

"I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife.  You may now kiss your bride."

Steve doesn't even wait until the vicar has finished speaking before pulling you into him and kissing you passionately.  The world once again, ebbs away, as it always seems to when Steve kisses you.  As you pull away, you hear the music start up, and the cheers and clapping of your friends.

"We did it!"  You say to Steve, as you walk back down the aisle, now as his Wife.  He laughs, and holds your hand even tighter.

At the reception, the first dance is announced, and you have both settled on an orchestral version, of 'How Long Will I Love You'.  As Steve takes you in his arms, and slowly dances with you, other couples join in.  

As the song progresses, you smile up at your Husband, knowing this is the time you've been waiting for.

"I have something to tell you."  You tell him, looking up at his sparkling eyes.

"Oh do you?"  He replies.  "And what would that be?"

You laugh a little before replying.

"You, Steve Rogers, are going to be a Daddy."

Steve abruptly stops dancing, and doesn't move for what seems like ages.  You worry for a second that he's not as happy as you thought he was going to be.

"Steve?"  You say tentatively.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!"  He exclaims, suddenly lifting you up and spinning you around.  "Oh argh, did I hurt the baby doing that?"  He asks lowering you back to the floor.

You can't breathe from laughing so hard.

"No they're well cushioned in there don't worry," you say, rubbing your still flat tummy.  "You're happy then?"

"Happy?"  Steve says, rubbing his hand down his face.  "My god I'm so much more than happy.  I'm......I'm......"  He grabs your face and kisses you, pouring every bit of happiness and love he has into it.

"I love you Mrs Rogers." He says, as he briefly pulls away.

"I love you too Mr Rogers."  You reply.  "Forever."

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