Chapter 48: Scared

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That night, you're in bed with Steve.  It's late but neither of you are asleep.  You're cuddled up to his side, while he absent mindedly strokes your arm.  You hear him take a shaky breath.

"Steve, what's wrong?" You ask him.

Taking another equally shaky breath, he looks down at you before replying.

"I'm so scared." He says simply.

Your stomach drops.  Something is wrong-Steve never seems scared.

"What's happened?" You ask panicked.

He doesn't answer immediately, instead takes his time to sit up and turn to face you.

"You're going to learn to use your powers aren't you." He says, stroking your arm once more.

"Oh my god Steve, is that why you're scared?!  If that's what I choose to do, then I'll do it based on the fact that it's safe to do so.  I'm in good hands, I'm going nowhere!"

He looks down, before answering.

"But....what if- "

You interrupt.

"No Steve.  No what if's!  Dr Strange already said he knows what he's doing and can help me whatever my decision.  And I could really help on missions if I used my powers for good."

"At what cost?"  Steve asks, his voice breaking slightly.  "I don't want to lose you.  I know that sounds selfish.  But I waited so long to be with you-I loved you for so long....I just can't-"

You interrupt once more.

"Listen to me Steve.  I am going no where. Ever.  I'm yours. Forever and always.  You're endgame for me."

Steve nods, before looking back down.  When he looks back at you, his eyes quickly squeeze closed, and his body shakes with sobs.  You have never seen him, or any of the team cry, and your heart breaks for him.  As a tear rolls down your cheek, you put your hand to his face and stroke his tears away.

"Please don't cry." You say through your own sadness.  "We'll be ok.  You're ok.  Tell me you're ok baby."

Steve's hand covers yours, as he looks into your eyes. 

"I'm OK." He says.  "And I'm with you every step of the way."

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