Chapter 23: Heroes and Villains

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Bucky wastes no time in aggressively throwing you into the back of a waiting van.  As you hear him enter the front of the vehicle, Zemo's voice fuzzily echoes back.  You can't make out what they're saying, and you have no idea where they're taking you. 

You sit, trying to keep yourself steady in the empty space of the van, torn between hoping Steve has realised something is wrong, while also  hoping he doesn't come for you.  You can't have Steve in danger, you'd blame yourself if he ever got hurt-especially if it was because of your stupidity.

You're pulled from the vehicle, almost as immediately as it stops.  Before you can blink and clear your eyes in the sunlight, you're dragged into an underground basement, similar to the place you'd followed Bucky to when he met up with Zemo.

Pushed into a corner, behind bars, you watch, as Zemo and Bucky discuss what to do with you next.  You huddle further back into a corner, trying to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible.

Back at the compound, Steve and Nat are still trying to track your whereabouts.
Steve walks in to the surveillance room Nat has been working in, hopeful that she's finally found out where you are.

"Anything Nat?"  he asks.

"I think I have her," Nat replies.  "But I don't think you're going to like who she's been taken by."

"I already know it was Bucky who took her Nat," Steve says.  "Unless there was someone else in on it too?"

"Errrm, yeah," Natasha says quietly.  "Zemo."

Steve loses it, already gathering his things.  "You have to be kidding me Nat!  I've got to go and get her right now!"

"Go," says Nat.  "I'll send you the coordinates of her location while you're on the move, and work from here to make sure the coast is clear to rescue her.  If anything looks like it's kicking off, I'll grab Tony and we'll come down too."

Back with Bucky and Zemo, you've realised that if there is any chance of you being rescued, you need to try and hold up whatever plan they have for you.

"Why are you doing this Bucky?"  You ask, terrified that he will turn on you once again.

He smirks and shakes his head.  "You know why-him!"  He gestures towards Zemo.

Zemo smiles too, and stalks towards you, a glint in his eye.   You shudder and recoil once again, backing up against the cold wall.  There may be bars separating you both, but you know it won't stop someone like Zemo from getting to you.

He laughs once more, and turns back to Bucky, where you watch them seriously talk in whispered conversation.  A single tear rolls down your cheek as you realise you  aren't getting out of here.  Brushing it away, you try and steady your breath and emotions.  You don't want them thinking you're  weak and scared, even though that's exactly what you feel right now.

Bucky's voice grows louder as the conversation turns into more of an argument between him and Zemo.  You can hear more clearly now, what they're saying to each other.

"I'm just saying man, ease up on her-it's not her we're here for after all."  Bucky tells Zemo through gritted teeth.

You stand up from your corner of the room.  "You're waiting for Steve to come and rescue me aren't you.  You're wasting your time!  I never even got to tell him I was in danger thanks to you James!  He's not coming for me, so you're wasting your time!"

Both Zemo and Bucky laugh at the same time.  

"Well then little one," Zemo says.  "We'll just have to keep you here until he does realise you're a damsel in need of rescuing, won't we!"

As you shudder once again, the brief silence is pierced by a deafening explosion from above you.  As if knowing exactly who is here, and quite surprisingly, Bucky looks once more at you, before running out of the back of the building.  

In the time it takes Zemo to realise what is going on, he is thrust against a wall by a strong arm-Steve's arm.  You blink further into the darkness beyond your cage, and make out the serious features of your best friend.  Your throat feels thick with relief and unshed tears, and you struggle to communicate with your friend.

Steve pushes Zemo further against the wall, closing the gap between their faces.  

"Where is she Zemo?" Steve spits out.  

You find your voice, and shout across the dusty room.  "STEVE!"

He spins around, letting go of Zemo, and it's clear to see he couldn't care less about the villain now he knows where you are.  Running across the room, he kicks the barred gate open, rushing to you and lifting you into his arms.  

"Are you ok?"  he asks, but you cannot articulate how you're feeling due to the tears now freely falling down your cheeks. 

Talking into his earpiece back to Nat at base, he tells her he has you safe, and that he needs a ride.  As you nestle further into his arms, you pass out, unaware that there is an SUV waiting for you outside.  You don't feel him continue to hold on to you as he climbs into the back, or as he places you gently next to him on the seat.  When you open your eyes, it's because you've come to a stop back at the compound.  Helping you out of the back of the SUV, you blink more tears away as you look into Steve's eyes.

Your best friend is your hero.  You have no idea how you're going to repay him but you know you will.

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