Chapter 63: Pre-Wedding Jitters

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It's the day after the bachelorette and you've woken up feeling more jittery than ever before.  The wedding is in two days, and your nerves are making you physically unwell.

You spent the night on the compound sofas with the girls, but now they've gone, so you've just been laying under a blanket, staring at the ceiling, waiting for Steve to get back.

You hear the door go, and watch, as your handsome fiancé makes his way frowning over to your side.

Crouching next to you, he puts his hand to your forehead to see if you're hot to touch.  Satisfied you're not running a fever, he pulls his hand back away.

"Hey beautiful, you ok?"  He asks quietly.

"I'm fine," you tell him.  "I'm certain it's just pre-wedding jitters Steve.  I wasn't feeling right last night, but I'm sure it's wedding worries-all completely normal."

Steve looks down.  

"Yeah I think pre-wedding nerves are normal.  But what you told Nat last night, was not."

You close your eyes and take a breath.

"Traitor."  You say, making Steve smile.  "I'm just worried Steve.  I have these powers now, and I know I'm constantly being trained and shown how to handle them.  But I'm worried I'll do something to screw this all up.  Then there's Sharon, and-"

Steve interrupts.

"Never gonna happen."  He says simply.   "I'm never going to leave you baby.  I know that you think of all the things that have tried to break us.  But deep down you know they didn't and nothing can.  I'm not going to let anything come between us now.  OK?"

"OK," you whisper.  

Steve's hand comes to yours and strokes your thumb with his.

"I'll be fine Steve." You tell him.  "I just need to rest today.  Everything is pretty much ready for the wedding, I just need to chill out.  Ironically, worrying I'm going to be unwell for the wedding is making me more unwell."

"OK my future Mrs Rogers." Steve says, beginning to stand.  "Sleep. Rest. Call me if you need me.  I love you."

He turns to walk away, as you reply. 

"I love you too Steve."

You hear the door shut as you close your eyes....

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