Chapter 35: Butterflies

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Steve spends the previous night with you, just holding you in your bed.

The next morning, you both wake and walk into the main compound room, holding hands.

Tony and Nat are already up, both in the kitchen area having breakfast.

As you come towards them, Tony clocks you both holding hands, and subtly clears his throat as he takes a drink, to get Nat's attention.

She makes a humming noise in response as she looks down at your conjoined hands.

Steve squeezes your hand while laughing at his friends.

"Very subtle you two." He says, clearly loving that he's about to confirm their suspicions. "Yes.  We've finally sorted ourselves out, and we're together.  And now, we're going for a walk."

As you walk with your man, you glance up at him, shaking your head.

"Well, that was awkward!" You admit.

Steve shakes his head back to you.  

"Nope," he says.

You continue to look at him, confused by his reply.

"I actually really enjoyed it."  He continues seeing that you're still frowning in confusion.  "I have waited so long to walk into a room holding your hand and telling everyone we're together."

You blush, unable to form words all of a sudden, and without thinking you put your hand on your stomach.

"I feel them too you know?" Steve says seeing your action.

"hmmm? What?"  You ask.

"Errrrrr....the butterflies?"  He says back.

Your mouth drops open at his admission.  

"Jesus Steve.  No wonder all women want to marry you and have your babies with lines like that!"

It's Steve's turn to stare open mouthed back at you.

"Well!" He says trying to stay straight faced. "It's good to know that you want to marry me and have my babies!"

You blush once more at his accusation.

"Oh my god Steve, I didn't mean that and you know it!"

" did thought didn't you.  Don't deny it, you basically said it!"  He says, scrunching his face up in the cutest way.

"You're lucky you're pretty Rogers," you tease.

"Haha, likewise baby." He replies.

And just like that, the butterflies are back with a vengeance. 

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