Chapter 42: Never Leave Me

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You've been in the hospital for a couple of days since the helicopter incident.  Exhaustion consumes you, and you are constantly fighting to keep your eyes open.

Every time you manage to come around, you are sure that Steve is next to you.  You're unable to speak, but you just have a feeling that he's not left your side.

This time, although your eyes open slowly, you can feel that you're able to keep them open this time.  Looking carefully to your right, you see Steve sat, head in one of his hands, seemingly watching the people walk by your room.  

"Steve?" you say, still needing clarity that it's actually him there with you.

As if in a trance before, Steve turns to you quickly, grabbing at a glass of water next to your bed.

"I'm here, I'm here." He says, leaning in to stroke your hair away from your face.  "You're awake.  Thank god.  I'm so sorry baby, I'll never ever put you in danger like that again!  Do you need anything?  Water?"  He offers, realising he's still holding the glass.

You try and clear your throat before answering him.

"Steve, stop!  Is that what you've been doing sat there, blaming yourself?!"

He doesn't respond, instead glancing down at the ground before looking back up at you, tears filling his eyes.

You lift your hand and gently place it on his cheek.  

"I would never blame you for this.  NEVER." You assure him.

Steve nods.  "I just honestly thought I'd lost you.  I never ever want to feel like that again.  I want this.  You.  Us.  For life."

You take a moment to steady yourself before replying.

"That had better not be your proposal Rogers."  You say with humour in your voice.

Steve smiles.  "Not yet.....For now though, just know that I couldn't have carried on living without you.  You're everything to me, and have been for a long time."

A tear slides out of your eye, and you stifle a sob.

"I love you Steve." You say quietly.

Steve holds on to the hand you had placed on his cheek.  Taking a breath he smiles at you.  He's never letting you go again.

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