Chapter 53: Goodbye Steve

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The team still haven't arrived, and you know you have to get in and get this done.

Running into the container, you hear Steve speaking to Tony via the communication earpieces.  

"Tony, what is your ETA?!  We need to get to her right now!"

Tony replies immediately, but is clearly busy. 

"I'm trying Cap, but my hands are a little tied up here!  It would appear our presence has been noted and we're being prevented from getting closer to the Dr!"

The next voice they hear is yours, as you whisper while creeping through the laboratory.

"Oh my god guys, I've found the serum!"

As you round a corner, you see a figure at the far end of the room-his back to you while he gets on with his work, unaware of you being there.

Taking a breath, you creep closer.

"Doctor?"  You say, watching the figure bristle slightly before slowly turning to face you.

"I knew you were coming," he says.  "What do you want with me?"

"Not with you."  You reply.  "We just want to help.  This serum needs to be in the right hands."

"Basically, you want to take it from me!" He fumes.  "You're not taking it-I've spent my whole life cultivating this stuff, and I need to keep it with me!"

He storms over to a locked area and you can hear him murmuring to himself.

"You can't have it, it's not yours, it's mine.  No one else is having it.  I'll make sure."  You hear him speaking over and over.

Your heart rate quickens.  You can see what the Doctor has planned, and you realise what you need to do to stop it.

"Oh god." You say to yourself, forgetting the team can hear you.

Steve makes you jump as he replies.

"What's going on?!"  He asks.

"Errrm, so the Doctor isn't going to go quietly.  He's not going to let us have the serum, and he's got some kind of trigger for every place that's currently housing units of this stuff.  He's going to blow every container and vehicle with it in."

"OK!  So get out of there then!"  Steve says, panicking now.

"I can't Steve," you continue to whisper.  "I can't have him cause so much destruction, when I could limit it to this area only.  This is why I kept my powers.  This is what they're for."  Your hands and eyes begin to glow, alerting the scientist to you once more.

"You don't have it in you......witch!"  He says with venom.

You increase your powers as a warning for him to step back, before once again speaking into your earpiece.

"Steve.  I love you.  You know that right?  Always.  You're endgame for me."

You hear Steve's voice crack as he replies.

"Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye to me?"

You struggle to keep your voice from wavering.

"Because I am baby.  I'm so sorry.  Be happy honey.  Goodbye."

As you use your powers to move the scientist away from the serum he lunges towards you, and the last thing you hear is Steve screaming "NO", before you trigger the explosion of the serum within the laboratory.  You're thrown backwards across the floor, and then everything goes black.

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