Chapter 19: Our place

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You're walking down the street just before 7pm, after receiving a reply to your text.  It's dark, but you wouldn't realise it.  Downtown, the lights glisten and the glow of shop fronts, light your way.  You love it here, and have been here many times with Steve.

As you think of him, you see him, stood outside your favourite coffee shop, cups in hand.  Even now, when you haven't spoken in so long, he does things to remind you why he's your best friend.

Smiling as you approach him, you stretch out your arm to take the proffered cup, and sipping it, you aren't shocked to discover he's got your favourite tea.  He even remembered that you don't drink coffee in the evenings.

"Hey"  you say, making actual eye contact for the first time.  "Thanks for this.  And for agreeing to meet me".

Steve smiles back in response.  Shaking his head slightly while looking around he says, "You still love it here don't you.  What is it you say...this is the only place we can have an uninterrupted conversation?"

"That's it", you nod.  "I just think it says something when we can have more of a private conversation in one of the busiest places in the city, than we can back at the compound!"

He smiles to himself before beginning to slowly stroll down the street.

"Look Steve", you begin, while matching his pace, "I need to apologise to you.  For everything.  I don't know what's gotten into me recently...."

Steve briefly looks over at you.  "I think it's probably more of a case of who has gotten into you recently...." he says crassly.

You stare back at him, slightly open-mouthed.  "Steve, thats not-. I mean, I don't want that kinda thing to get in the way of-. 

"I'm joking", he laughs, "I want to move on from all this, I miss you."

Breathing a sigh of relief, you reply, "God I've missed you too-so much Rogers.  Can we just like NEVER fight again?!"

"Back to calling me Rogers", he nods agreeingly.  "I think we'll definitely be fine from here on out".

You breathe a sigh of relief.  "Ahhh, music to my ears Rogers."  Suddenly you remember Steve has been hinting at telling you something each time you've managed to turn a conversation into a row. "Wait, what is it you've been trying to tell me recently? It seemed important."

Putting his arm around your neck and pulling you into his side, he shakes his head.  "Oh that?  It was nothing important at all.  C'mon bestie.  Let's go home."

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