Chapter 25: Nightmares

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You've been back at the compound for a week now, and Steve hasn't relented in his efforts to make sure you're safe and well.  Little do you know, that every night since he got you home, he has been struggling to sleep.  When exhaustion does take him, he suffers with terrible nightmares-reliving your ordeal, as well as creating alternative scenarios in which you aren't rescued by him on time.

This night is like no other, and, as he always does after a nightmare, he quietly makes his way to your room, tip toeing in to check on you.  Stood at your door, he watches the rise and fall of your chest as you peacefully, and most importantly, safely sleep.  Taking a breath, and one last look at you, he retreats back to his room, in the hope of at least a small amount of rest himself.

The next morning, you enter the spacious kitchen area, where Nat and Steve are both chatting and drinking coffee.  Nat sees you enter and smiles.

"Hey good morning!  How are you feeling today?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm actually really good today Nat!" you reply.  "Actually, I had a weird nights sleep!  Rogers," you turn to speak to your best friend, "did I imagine this, or did I see you creeping out of my bedroom at the as* crack of dawn?"

Steve nods as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Mmhmm," he murmurs.

You shake your head laughing.  "Okaaaayyy.....not at all weird Steve, you actual creeper!"

Steve takes another sip of his coffee, before placing it in the sink and walking away.  For a second, you swear you see hurt in his features, but shake the feeling off.  As you turn back to Nat, you notice her scowling at you.

"What?"  You ask her.

"Jesus, are you seriously that dumb," she replies.

Realising she's referring to Steve, and that your moment of thinking he was hurt was actually justified, you start to defend yourself.

"WHAT?!  I was joking with him Nat!  I mean, why was he even in my room.  I just didn't get it.  I didn't know he was going to react like that!"

Standing from her space at the large dining table, Nat places her cup in the sink next to Steve's and makes her way to leave.  Spinning on her heel she locks eyes with you.

"I'm going to see if I can get any further with tracking Bucky and Zemo.  YOU need to go and speak to Steve.  I'm not having this atmosphere again!"

She storms out, leaving you stood alone, confused.  You decide to take her advice and walk in the opposite direction, knowing exactly where a frustrated Steve will be.

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