Chapter 54: The Unlikely Hero

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Your eyes try to open but all you can see is black smoke, and your lungs are burning.  You try to listen to your earpiece, but realise that's not in your ears anymore either.

Trying to push yourself off of the floor, you suddenly feel two hands grabbing you around your waist.  You try and pull them off, worried that it's the Doctor attacking you.

"Stop for god sake!"  You hear in your ear.  "I'm trying to help you!  Get up!"

You look over your shoulder as the hands continue to lift you, and realise they belong to Bucky.

"James?!"  You say, shocked.

He doesn't speak to you, but begins battering the doors leading outside, trying to get you both out and away from the increasing flames.  His metal arm punches over and over again, until you see one of the doors bend, and then fall open.

Dragging in the clean air, Bucky pushes you ahead of him and you fall to the floor, grateful to be alive but confused as to Bucky's presence.

Coughing more, and trying to breathe in some more air, you look up at Bucky who seems unaffected by the situation.

"I can't believe you saved me."  You say shaking your head.  "Can you take me to Steve?  He'll be beside himself with worry-I said goodbye to him.  I thought- " Your voice breaks.

"C'mon."  He says, holding his right hand out for you to take.  He pulls you up and walks you over to a motorbike.  Handing you a helmet, he wastes no time in starting the engine and revving away.

"Hold on Dollface!"  He shouts over the wind whistling past you both.

You grip him tightly, as he races down side streets, clearly knowing where Steve is.  You can't imagine what he's been going through thinking you've died in that explosion.  You near the front entrance of the compound and wonder why Steve is here rather than still out on the mission or looking for you.

You see him, before he sees you.  He's pacing up and down on the phone, his eyes are red and his hair is messy.

You jump off the bike, passing Bucky your helmet, and run towards him.

"STEVE!"  You shout.  

He turns, dropping his phone to the ground.  Unable to believe you're in front of him, he is frozen to the spot until you get to him.  Spinning you around in his arms, he falls to the floor, still holding you.  

"Oh my god you're alive."  He says, peppering kisses all over your head and face.  His cheeks are wet, and you realise he's crying.

"I'm here Steve, I'm OK."  You say, stroking his cheeks, trying to take away his sadness.  

He hugs you once more-before putting you at arms length, looking at you as if he still doesn't believe you're there.

"I didn't realise you were going to come back to the compound."  You say to him, still confused.

"Tony made me."  He replies.  "He heard the explosion and didn't want me to get to you and find that you were....."  His voice trails off.  

"I get it."  You say back.  "I bet you kicked up a right fuss about that though."  You laugh through your own tears.

"You know me so well," he says back, a small smile now tracing his lips.  "But how did you get out?  And get here?!"

You've forgotten all about Bucky for that moment, and see him, hidden by the shadows behind Steve.  

"Look behind you."  You say to Steve, gesturing to the place Bucky is standing.

Steve turns, shock etched on his face.  You see Bucky's body stiffen immediately, and he turns.

"NO Bucky, WAIT!"  You shout across to him.  "Stay!"

Bucky stops and turns back before looking down at the ground.....

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