Chapter 60: We have news

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You both walk slowly back to the compound, stopping frequently to kiss your fiancé, and to admire the ring he has chosen for you.

Walking through the main doors, your excitement is palpable.  You see Pepper first, and choke up just thinking about telling your Sister your news.

"Hey you two."  Pepper says, glancing up at you both.  "You ok?"

You grin back at her before replying.

"We're good....Actually, we're glad you're all here."  You look around at the members of the team-your family.  "We have some news."

You look up at Steve before saying anything further.

"You go ahead babe-tell them our news."  He says, nudging you forward slightly.

"OK."  You smile at him.  "Well...... WE'RE ENGAGED!"  You lift your hand to show off your ring.

Pepper jumps up and runs over to your both, enveloping you in a hug.

"Congratulations guys!"  She says, before releasing you and going to Steve.

You look back over at where she was sitting and find Tony just staring at you, a small smile on his lips.  You know he doesn't like to do emotion, but you can't let this moment go by without acknowledging that.

"Is that the best you can do Tony?  A smile for your little Sister-In-Law getting married?"  You ask him with humour in your voice.

Tony looks down at the floor before shaking off the emotion that had threatened to take over, and then stands.

"Oh I'm so sorry..." he says dryly.  "Would this be better?"

You watch him walk over to an empty space and start doing the most ridiculous celebratory dance you've ever seen.  You look over at Steve to see him laughing and shaking his head, before bursting into laughter yourself.  Looking at your Sister, you see her stood, staring at her Husband, shaking her head too.

"How do you put up with him Pep?"  You ask her.  This makes her laugh even harder.

"Congratulations babe." You hear, as you look round to see Natasha making her way over from the far side of the room where she's been stood with Bruce, who nods at you in his own way of congratulations.

Giving them both a huge smile back, you turn to see Bucky leaning in a doorway.  He's nodding his head while smiling at you both.

"Niiiiice."  He says, which makes you laugh once more.

"Sam's outside Cap,"  Tony says to Steve.

Steve kisses you on the forehead before leaving to go and tell his best friend his news, while you filter off into the kitchen with your Sister.

Walking in, she's stood staring at you, her eyes barely holding onto the unshed tears.

"Why you looking at me like that," you ask her amusedly.

"I'm just so happy for you baby Sister." Pepper replies, pulling you in for a hug.  

"Love you Pep."  You tell her, squeezing her tightly, and that's where you stay for a while, before going back to your man-your husband-to-be, to start the rest of your lives together.

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