Chapter 40: Steve's Nightmare

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Steve is going out of his mind wondering what on earth has happened to you.  He barely sleeps, and every waking moment is spent looking for any sign that you're still alive, and where you are.

He's sifting through more CCTV footage in the hope of a sighting of you, when Tony walks in.  
"Anything?"  Tony asks sadly.

"Nothing." Steve replies.  But I'll warn you now Tony, I'm desperate.  I'm not giving up, ever.  And I'll do anything to get her back."

Tony doesn't argue-he knows Steve's love for you, and his Wife-your Sister, has said exactly the same thing.  Truth is, he loves you like a Sister too, and it's tearing him apart that there's been no news.

"We will get her back." Tony says, placing his arm on Steve's shoulder.

Steve's head drops.  "I know we will," he says, his voice breaking.  "Because I can't live without her Tony."

Later that day, Steve has moved into the conference area of the compound, and is sat with Tony and Nat when he gets a text alert on his phone.  Opening it up, he sees only a few words.  These words are enough however, to fill him with dread.

"She is ours now."

"Oh my god," Steve murmurs to himself.  

As he's about to tell the others what he's been sent, his phone vibrates again, signalling another incoming message.  This one is a link.  

"Tony, I have a link, can you throw it up on the screens so we can see it?" Steve asks, his hand shaking.

Tony projects the link onto the screens that surround the conference area, and your face fills the screen.
You're tied to a chair via your wrists and ankles, and your hair is stuck to your forehead.  You are red faced, with cuts and bruises over your skin and you're crying.
As the filming continues, the team watch as your captors begin torturing you.  Your screams fill the large room, and you can be heard wailing at the people holding you hostage.

"Noooo! Don't make me, I don't want to take anything!!!"

Your screams continue, and the team struggle to hold it together.  Steve rushes out of the room, literally unable to stomach watching the footage.  Nat begins to cry and Tony cannot look at her.  He has no idea how he's supposed to explain this to Pepper, but knows that he now has a lead to finding you. 

None of your friends will leave this now-you will be found.

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