Chapter 16: Giving Up On You

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After seeing Sharon leave, and Steve catching your eye, you just know he's going to follow you, so you walk faster back to your room in the compound.  Slamming the door, you sit on your bed, and brace yourself as you hear the thudding of his footsteps getting ever closer to your door.

The door flies open, and you flinch-you're not scared of Steve, but deep down you both knew this was brewing, and you're not sure you have it in you to argue with one of the best friends you've ever had.

Deciding you don't want to even attempt to discuss what you've seen with Steve right now, you yell at him.  "Go away Steve", you shout, attempting to be braver than you feel right now.

He doesn't leave, and you can feel the anger radiating off of him.  "Why do you do this?"  He asks you, shaking his head in frustration.

Unable to believe he's turning his mistake around on you, you edge forwards on your bed.  "Me?!  Oh my god Steve, that's rich coming from someone who just kissed SHARON CARTER!"

He laughs, but in a way that tells you he's not finding any of this funny.  "This has nothing to do with Sharon", he shouts back, "This is all you.   You did this!"

You sit back slightly, shocked at his accusation.  How on earth could any of this have anything to do with you?!  "All me?"  You question.  "I didn't ask or tell you to kiss her?!  She's trouble Steve, you know she is.  Jesus EVERYONE knows she is!"

Steve continues to fume as he responds.  "Oh yes, she's trouble alright.  But god forbid we'd say anything against your perfection and innocence!"

This isn't your friendship.  This isn't how either of you have ever been.  You're losing him, and you knew this was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier.  Tears begin to fall down your cheeks, and you can barely look at the stranger in front of you.  "Why do you suddenly hate me so much Steve?"  You ask, your voice breaking as you cry.  "What have I done that has made you turn on me like this?!"

Steve's eyes grow sadder instead of showing the fiery anger he'd displayed only moments ago.  "Jesus", he said, shaking his head, "I don't hate you!  If you'd ever care to listen to me, or understand how I feel, you'd know I couldn't possibly ever hate you."

You cry harder still, before whispering between sobs, "You're my best friend Steve, I hate this so much."

Silence settles between you both, only your breaths evening out from the crying, are able to be heard.  Steve slowly walks towards you, choosing to sit as far away as possible, at the end of the bed.

"I refuse to believe this is it for us", he says, after some time has passed.  "I can't bear to have arguments and conversations like this."

You are calmer now, but drained from how intense this all was.  You take a deep, shaky breath, and lift your head so you're looking at Steve.  He, however, is sat with his hands in his lap, staring at the floor.  The sight of him makes your heart break further.

"Steve", you say, in a whisper.  "I think you should go.  I need to be alone right now."

Steve doesn't respond, and for a second you wonder if he has even heard you.  Reluctantly, he stands and slowly begins to walk out of the room.  As he reaches the door, he stops, and almost in slow motion, turns back to look at you.  You quickly look away, knowing that if you don't, you'll start crying all over again. Steve sighs as he begins to leave again, and the last thing you hear is the gentle click of your bedroom door-a stark contrast to how it was opened not long ago.

You turn to lay down, close your eyes, and silently begin to cry all over again.

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