Chapter 12: Making A Move

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The rescue of Bucky, and another successful mission is, to Tony, a great reason for a party.  In fairness, he rarely needs a reason to throw one of his shindigs.

You never know anyone at these things, so you naturally gravitate towards those you're comfortable with. 
You walk the perimeter of the great room, watching people laughing, chatting, and of course, drinking.  You've already had a fair few yourself, but you're a fun drunk, basically one of those giggly people that finds everything (and themselves) hilarious.

Across the opposite side of the room, you see Steve, walking up the stairs with one of his closest friends, Sam.  You love Sam, and the three of you always have such a riot together, but you don't feel like you can join them tonight given the current issues between you and Steve.  You settle at the bar with some people you know, and carry on drinking.

*Across the other side of the room*

"You enjoying having Bucky back Steve?" Sam asks his friend as they climb the large winding staircase?

Steve hesitates.  "Yeah it's good.  It would be perfect if...."

"Ah my man!" Sam says humoured by the situation.  "Having girl troubles?"

"It's not like that Sam!  I care about her is all."  Steve replies with a frustrated sigh.

They make their way up to the next level, overlooking the party below.  Steve's eyes hone in on you at the bar.  You're clearly drunk but you're also laughing as you show of your dance moves to everyone around you.  
Steve smiles to himself.  You always make him laugh when you're drunk.  You always make him laugh all of the least, you did.

Sam notices Steve staring.  "Go on man.  You know you wanna go and talk to her.  Just go."

Steve doesn't even try and argue back.  He makes his way back down the stairs and over to you, where you're leant over the bar, butt in the air, trying to find another drink.

He laughs to himself as he approaches, shaking his head at his silly friend.

"Hey you", he says still amused.

You turn to face him and stumble a little.  "Oh hey", you slur in reply.

Although his face stays humoured, his voice changes. "You think it may be time to slow down a little there?"  He gestures towards the drinks on the bar.

You glare at him in your drunken, and now irritated state.  

"Ok, ok", he retorts, his hand up to calm you down.  "I'm just worried-that's all!"

You roll your eyes.  Drink makes you ever so slightly petulant.  "Oh right, so now I can't have fun either?!  Calm down old man, I don't need saving, especially by you."

Steve's eyes look down at the floor, and when he looks back up, you're storming off.  

Later, as the party is winding down, and Steve is nowhere to be seen, you're nursing another drink slowly, and thinking over yet another altercation with Steve.

"Hey Dollface, why the long face?" You hear from next to you.

You glance over knowing exactly who you'll see.  You smile at him with genuine affection.  Just hearing Bucky use the nickname 'Dollface' makes your heart beat a little faster.

"Hey," you say sadly.  "I had a row with Steve.  I'm just so over him trying to involve himself in my business the whole time.  All I want is to have some fun-is that so wrong?!"

Bucky moves slightly closer.  "No, not wrong at all Dollface.  We should remedy that.  Maybe I could help.....?"

Your stomach flutters as you reply.  "Oh really Mr Barnes", you breathe out in barely a whisper, "what do you suggest?!"

Bucky makes eye contact with you, and takes a breath before leaning in towards you, until he's so close you can feel the heat radiating off of him.

Before you know it, you're both closing your eyes and your lips touch.

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