Chapter 51: First Mission

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You've been training with Dr Strange for weeks, and your powers have not only grown stronger, but you've managed to get some control over them.  

Tony has called a meeting, and you've gone along with Steve, with a hidden agenda of your own.  After working to harness and control your powers, you know that you can help on missions now.  You also know however, that Tony and Steve will more than likely disagree with that.

Deciding to go in quietly, and not be too pushy goes out of the window, as soon as Tony says the words "we have a mission".  Somehow your need to join, and your excitement have gotten the better of you.

"Can I come?! You ask, bouncing slightly in your seat. "I have totally mastered my powers now, and I can come and help!"

As predicted, it doesn't go down too well with Steve.

"Seriously?!" He asks.  "Obviously not!"

You sigh.

"C'mon Steve!" You reply, folding tour arms.  "We've been through this.  I chose to keep and harness my powers for a reason.  Not to sit around watching you guys get all the good work!"

As you look over at Tony, he's also folded his arms, and is watching you both argue about the situation, while rolling his eyes.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see you rolling your eyes at us Tony!"  You say,  your eyebrows raised.

Natasha tries to intervene.

"You really wanna come with us?"  She asks.

"I really do Nat," you say back.  "And....the fact that Tony didn't completely dismiss the idea straight away, suggests that it's not even a dangerous mission!  Am I right Tony?"

Tony nods.  

"Yeah, I mean, it only needs us, so I would say it's relatively safe for your first mission.  It's locating some serum from a scientist we've been tipped off about.  I suppose you could literally do that-locate him, and stay back until we've made sure it's safe?"

You smile.

"Sounds good!  I can totally do that!  See Steve, it's going to be fine!"

Steve turns to look at Tony.

"You honestly think she'll be safe enough Tony?"

Tony laughs and puts on a funny voice to reply.

"Yeahhhhh....." he says amused by Steve's protectiveness.

"Jesus Tony!"  You say shaking your head.  "Laughing and the funny voice, really?  Don't mess with my man right now, he's on the edge as it is, and I wouldn't want to have to stop him putting you in your place!"

Once again, Nat jumps in to placate the situation.

"Right, so that's settled then-it'll be the four of us yeah?  And when do we need to be ready for?"

"Suit up ASAP," Tony tells her.  "Within the hour."

You feel the excitement bubble over once more.

"YEAH!  Let's go team!  Whoop!" You say, bouncing on your feet and clapping your hands together.

You're met with silence from everyone else.

"Too much guys?" You ask, still grinning.

Tony laughs to himself, while shaking his head.

"Just a little-maybe less whooping when we get on the mission?"

"Deal!"  You say, trying to dial down your enthusiasm slightly.  But deep down you cannot wait.   Your first mission, and you're going to smash it!

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