Chapter 55: Forgiveness

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Bucky has decided to hang back for a little while, but Steve won't speak to him until he's come to terms with the events of the day.  You on the other hand, want to fix the situation-you know Steve misses his friend, and from what you've heard, Bucky wasn't entirely at fault in his actions.

You go to see him in a spare room Tony has given him.

"James?!"  You call as you enter the darkened room.  "Are you here?"

As you walk further in, the light shines slightly on Bucky's face, where you see him nodding slightly.

"James?  Are you OK?!"  You ask him, as you get closer.

He doesn't reply.   You stand staring at him for a few more seconds before you begin to feel irritated.

"Why won't you talk to me?!" You say, louder this time.

He sits up straighter before making eye contact with you.

"What do you want me to say?"  He says quietly.

"Well anything at this point to be honest."  You reply.

He stands and takes a step towards you.  You don't move.  

"You want me to explain why I did to you what I did?" He asks with a tinge of anger.  "Well I can't!"

You shake your head.

"I get that," you say back.  "I just -"   

Bucky interrupts.

"I can't explain any of it really."  He says looking at the floor.  "It wasn't me.  I wasn't even me.  I'm so so sorry."

"I know you are."  You reply sadly.  "Look, we're good.  But we're not important.  You and Steve are.  Are you at least happy to go and speak to him?"

"Nope."  He replies.  "But I will."  He goes to walk out of the room but you stop him.

"James?  I forgive you.  I hope you know and believe that."

You watch as his head drops once again, and hear him take a shaky breath.  Nodding, he once again walks out of the door.  You hope it's to go and make amends with Steve.  If recent events have taught you anything, it's that life is too short to hold grudges, and to lose friends.  You just hope Steve feels the same way....

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