Chapter 64-Surprises

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It's the day before the wedding, and you're on your way back from an appointment, to meet Steve downtown.

As you're walking down the busy street, you sense someone behind you.  Turning quickly, you take in a shaky breath, as standing before you is Sharon.

"Sharon, what are you doing here?!" You ask her.

She says nothing, just stands, breathing heavily, holding her bump with one hand, and toying with something else in the other.
As you look closer, you see she has a knife.

"Sharon!"  You say, trying to stay calm.  "Seriously, what are you doing?"

She takes a small step towards you before speaking.

"It should be me with Steve tomorrow."  She says stoically.

She goes to take another step forward, and lifts the knife slightly.

"Sharon," you say taking a small step backwards. "You're not going to hurt me.  And I'm going to marry Steve tomorrow.  This is over."

As she goes to move closer to you, she looks up, stilling as she sees someone coming towards her.  You turns as you hear his voice.

"I'd do as she says Sharon." Steve says, his voice shaking with anger.  As he speaks to her, you see police coming in behind her.  She turns her head quickly taking them in. 

"No!"  She says loudly.

"Yes Sharon." Steve says, confirming Sharon's suspicions.  "They're here for you.  You won't be able to come anywhere near me or my Wife in the future.  I'm sorry it's had to go this way, but I have to protect her."

You smile briefly at him-using the word Wife has made you feel warm inside.

As you watch Sharon be taken away in handcuffs, you feel Steve's protective arm around you.

"You ok?"  He says, as he pulls you to his side.

"I am now." You reply.  A sense of calm coming over you.

"Good.  You ready to go home?"  He asks.

You nod at him, tightening your hold around his broad back.

"Where were you anyway?" He says.

" know, last minute wedding stuff," you say, hoping he can't tell you're lying.

As you walk back to the compound, your

 mind drifts back to the events of the morning.

"You're sure?" You ask the woman in front of you, as you stare bleary-eyed at the fuzzy picture on the screen.

"Yes, very sure-here is your baby."  The sonographer says, as she runs the wand over your flat stomach.

You take a moment to look at the little jelly bean shape, wiggling about on the screen.  You'd made an appointment this morning with your doctor, just to check you weren't actually coming down with something ahead of the wedding.  Hoping she could give you something to settle your stomach, you almost threw up on the spot when she suggested you could be pregnant.

An hour later, you were at an emergency ultrasound, looking at yours and Steve's baby.

"Is everything OK with it?" You ask, remembering the random cocktail you'd had at your bachelorette.  

"Absolutely fine."  The sonographer replies.  "Here's it's little heartbeat-look!"  

She points at the screen to a darker patch of the jelly bean.  You see it flickering and feel an overwhelming sense of emotion come over you.

"Now that IS a wedding present...." you say to yourself laughing.

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