Chapter 13: Incoming

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As you pull away from Bucky's kiss, you hear a distant sound of a helicopter.  Looking around you see that the members of the team left over from the party are all looking for the source of the sound too.

As you turn to investigate further, the far edge of the bar closest to Bucky, is shot at and explodes.  The light from the explosion, momentarily blurs your eyes, and the deafening noise leaves your ears ringing.

You right yourself and clear your misty eyes, before muttering to yourself.  "What the hell?"

Tony has been thrown across the floor by a separate blast, and is struggling to get to his feet or his weapons that he keeps hidden around the compound in case of emergencies such as this one.

"Sh*t!  Get safe!" He shouts at you as he rolls out of the way of another blast.

Natasha has also found herself on the floor, but upon seeing the glint of a gun held underneath a table, she rolls over and arms herself for the fight.

"Friends of yours Bucky?"  She quips as she gets to her feet.

You realise who she means and turn back to speak to Bucky.  "If this Hydra?" You ask as you turn.  You realise he's not there and is currently fighting off two soldiers, who have managed to enter via the glass that has been shattered during the explosions.

"Bucky!"  You call, frightened for him.

As he hears you, he turns, seeing an agent grabbing you from behind.  He isn't the only person to have noticed.
Steve, on a balcony three floors up, sees the drama unfolding as he takes out another agent, and knows he has to try and get to you.  

Shaking off the agent, you look up, only to lock eyes with Steve as he's fighting yet another soldier.  You realise he's trying to get to you, and time appears to stand still as he takes his eye off of his attacker.
You watch, as almost in slow motion, Steve is thrown from the third story balcony, spinning towards the ground.

"STEVE!"  You cry out, running towards him as if you could catch him as he falls.  Of course, you are too late, and you reach him seconds after he has hit the cold, hard floor.  Tears start to fall down your face, and you lean over him, holding his head in your hands.  "Why did you do that Rogers?!"  You ask, frantically trying to keep him awake.

He painfully lifts his bruised and battered head, and looks at you deep in your eyes.  Tears are still falling from yours, and you cry harder at the connection.  

"You just don't get it do you?"  he breathlessly says, his head dropping back and hitting the floor.

"Get what Steve?" You question.  "Steve?"  You shake him gently to try and keep him with you, but it's of no use.  His shallow breaths seem to echo around the great room, while your tears continue to fall.

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