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I just wanted to remind everyone that whenever they see ITALICS FONT in my story it will mean for a ELF they are speaking Sindarin and for a DWARF they are speaking Khuzdûl (since I only know some phases from both of the languages). Also any BOLD FONT will equal a AUTHOR'S NOTE (unless it is a title). { } will equal using telepathy.

The photo is of King Thranduil, his Queen, and their newborn daughter. (Really it is Legolas but I am pretending it is Taryn). Photo found on Tumblr.

Third Age 241: midsummer eve.

A weird storm raged on the night Queen Vanadessë of Greenwood (now known as Mirkwood) was in labor with her second child. Hours had passed and the child was still not here yet. The skies had grown dark and the only thing that could be seen was the rare crescent moon shining through the clouds. As the Queen screamed out in pure agony, the King Thranduil was pacing the hall up and down waiting for his child to be born. Finally he heard the soft cries meaning his child had been born.

He practically ran through the doors of the healing room and over to his wife. She was laying in the bed holding their newborn children. He was surprised to see two babies, instead of one.

"It is identical twin girls," she said to him as she smiled up at him.

"Both girls are beautiful and looks like you my dear," he said as happy tears ran down his face.

He slowly leaned down and looked at his newborn daughters. He smiled as the one of the Elf babies grabbed his finger with one of her hands.

"She has a strong grip," he said with a huge smile on his face. He spoke of the daughter that held his finger.

"Do you want to hold her?" His wife asked him as she looked up at him.

He just nodded as his wife passed their daughter from her arms to his. He wasn't nervous holding her since they already had a son Legolas. His wife was still holding the other twin daughter.

"She needs a name," Thranduil said to his wife as he looked down at his daughter.

"I was thinking maybe Táriel"Taryn" Calithiliel. It means Daughter of Queen, "Little Princess," and daughter of moon light," the Queen said to him.

(I looked up Taryn and some sites said it meant little princess and some said it didn't. But I like it so oh well. I will pretend it does if it really doesn't).

"Táriel "Taryn" Calithiliel is a beautiful name my dear. I love it," he said with a small smile forming on his lips.

"Hello Táriel Calithiliel I am your Ada and I will love you forever."

The newborn princess opened her eyes and looked up, her pale blue eyes staring at him. She then made a small giggle sound and Thranduil chuckled.

"I do believe she likes her name." Thranduil said to his wife with a smile on his face as he looked down at his newborn daughter.

They named their second twin daughter Vanya Caliel. Vanya means beautiful and Caliel means daughter of light. But this story is about Taryn.


Far away in a different part of Middle Earth:

At the same time as the princess was being born a prophecy was being written about a future dwarf Prince who would go by the name Thorin Oakenshield. One day he would be King under the mountain, but not for over 2,000 years.

This princess that was being born was also mentioned in the prophecy. But this would not be known to her or her family until she joined the said dwarf on a quest in the future.

The same weird storm brewed on as the people wrote the prophecy. It said -

The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone, the King Beneath the Mountain, shall come into his own. And the bells shall ring in gladness, at the Mountain King's return, But all shall fail in sadness, and the Lake will shine and burn.

But then there shall be a beautiful Elven Princess with fair blonde hair from Greenwood/Mirkwood. Her love for the dwarf King shall be the key to saving the people of Lake Town. As well as saving the King from himself and a great dark evil that wants him dead.


Sindarin translated:

Ada - daddy.


Edit Note 5/2/2015: Since I have added that Taryn has a identical twin sister awhile back. I decided to edit the prologue to show that. She is completely identical to Taryn, in height and all.

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