Chapter 71: A Merry Old Feast.

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Trigger Warning: there is an attempted rape scene & unwanted sexual advances in this chapter.

The whole company was welcomed into the Master's grand house. He threw them a grand feast in celebration of the Quest for Erebor. The room was large with many long tables sat up. In the corner of the room a band (hired by the Master) was playing. Food had been quickly prepared and laid out on the tables in the room. Along the wall a make shift bar was set up, with barrels of ale and wine on tap. Many mugs were sat on the bar for people could get their own drinks.

Talking about people, they were everywhere laughing, cheering, some yelling, and it looked like everyone in the room was having fun. Some were already passed out on the tables and floor from all of the alcohol that was being consumed.

The Dwarves and Bilbo were having a merry old time. It was like everyone forgot their worries of making it to the mountain on time. Taryn sat at a table that Fíli and Kíli were on top of, dancing and singing along to the music the band was playing. Each had a mug of ale in their hands and their free arms were wrapped around each other's necks. Due to the effects of the ale, Kíli was not feeling the pain from his leg wound.

Taryn chuckled as she watched the two brothers have a good time. Even though she was the only one not drinking, she was still singing along with her nephews. People sitting at the surrounding tables, stomped their feet to the beat of the band.

"Auntie, please dance with me?" Fíli asked as the band began to play a new song.

Taryn shook her head to the side as she leaned against Thorin's chest. "I'll dance with you, but not up on the table," Taryn replied to her nephew with a slight chuckle.

Fíli nodded, jumping down off of the table he extended his hand. "Come Auntie let's dance," he said to Taryn with a sweet smile playing on his lips.

Taryn let out a light chuckle as she stood up out of Thorin's grasp. "Fine you get once dance," she said to her nephew as she let him grab her hand.

Taryn laughed as her nephew twirled her around the dance floor while the band played a new song. From the table Thorin watched his wife dance with their nephew with a smile on his face. "I get the next dance," he called out as he looked at his wife lovingly.

Fíli turned his head as he danced and gave his Uncle a funny look. "You want to dance with me Uncle?" He asked Thorin with a chuckle. "How sweet of you!"

Thorin shook his head as he let out a deep husky chuckle. "Not you," he responded to his nephew. "You knuckle head. I was talking to my wife."

"Then me!" Kíli shouted as he downed his ale, but most missed his mouth. spilling down his stubbled chin and onto his clothes. "I want to dance with Auntie also!"

He was clearly drunk, as he stumbled to get down off of the table and fell flat on his face. The Dwarves and Bilbo erupted in fits of laughter as Kíli fell. Kíli shook it off as he stood up onto his feet. He went back to the bar area and re-filled his mug with ale. He took a ginormous drink from his mug, chugging it down his throat.

At a different table Dwalin had entered into a drinking contest with Bofur, Bifur, and Glóin. "Okay laddies, if you pass out you lose. Last left awake wins," Balin explained as he passed out mugs of ale to the Dwarves. "Ready, set, drink!"

Balin was in charge of filling new mugs of ale, when they finished drinking one. All four of the Dwarves picked up their mugs and began to chug down the ale as Balin said drink. Poor little Bilbo looked on scared, Balin had some how roped him into helping.

In the corner of the room sat the Master and Alfrid they both were glaring at Thorin. Alfrid had a plan to get his "prize" back and the Master was going to help him. They first planned on stealing Taryn away from Thorin when he was too drunk to notice her missing. But their plan had failed when they noticed Thorin was not drinking much.

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