Chapter 43: Rivendell.

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As Taryn walked down the steps leading to Rivendell Thorin caught up with her. It wasn't hard since for one she was short like him and two she was not walking very fast due to her injuries. He lightly grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "I'm sorry again," he said with a sigh as he looked into her pale blue eyes.

Taryn let out a small sigh, it was hard to stay mad at him when she was staring into those sapphire eyes. "I know Thorin. I forgive you," she said with a slight smile.

Taryn and the rest of the company crossed a bridge as they enter Imladris. Taryn smiles as she looks over at Bilbo. The little hobbit was gazing in awe at the beauty of the place. "It's amazing. Isn't it," Taryn said with a happy smile to Bilbo. She loved hearing the sounds of the rushing and bubbling of the clear waterfalls.

The bridge led to a small circular space. They all stopped on the space. Some of the dwarves looked around and chatted with theirselves.

Taryn smiled when she saw a brown haired elf descend down a stone stair case across from them.

"Mithrandir." The brown haired elf said calmly to Gandalf as he greeted them.

"Ah, Lindir!" Gandalf addressed the elf as he walked towards him.

"Hiril Táriel, Mae tollen na mar." Lindir said to Taryn with a smile on his face as he noticed her standing next to Gandalf.
(Lady and welcome home in Sindarin).

"Le hannon, Lindir." Taryn said to her friend with a smile.
(Thank you in Sindarin).

As Lindir, Gandalf, and Taryn greet each other, the dwarves murmur amongst themselves in distrust. Thorin looked from the three of them from where he stood in between Taryn and Dwalin. He puts one protective arm around Taryn. Taryn rolls her eyes at him. She was back with her kin, so they would not do anything to her.

"Stay sharp." Thorin whispers to Dwalin as he leans over to him. Causing Taryn to roll her eyes more.

"Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen." Lindir said to Gandalf and Taryn in Sindarin. He then turned his attention to Taryn. "And Luna arrived safely with the ponies. We got her and the ponies settled in the stables." He said.
(We heard you had crossed into the Valley. In Sindarin).

"Oh thank you Lindir. I knew she would get here safely." She said with a smile.

When Thorin heard about Taryn's horse and their ponies he gave her a look. "The ponies didn't really bolt, did they?" He asked her.

Taryn tilted her head from one side to the other and looked at Thorin with a small smirk on her face. "What?" She asked innocently. "I sensed danger and some kind of evil that night. So I told Luna to lead the ponies here," she said to him. Thorin simply nodded his head.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf said quite seriously in westron, for everyone would understand.

"My Lord Elrond is not here." Lindir said to Gandalf.

"Not here?" Gandalf repeated as if he wasn't convinced. "Where is he?"

Before Lindir could answer the sounds of elven  horns answered for him. The horns could be heard echoing through the valley. They were the same horns from earlier, that they heard on the plains. Taryn smiled as she turned around. In the distance a group of armed horsemen are seen approaching along the bridge at a rapid rate.

"Ifridî bekâr! Hold ranks!" Thorin shouted to the other dwarves as he brought his weapon up. The dwarves bunch up together into a tight circle with their weapons pointed outward. Thorin steps protectively in front of Taryn, as the dwarves grab her and Bilbo to put them into the center of their circle.
(Ready weapons in Khuzdûl).

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