Chapter 25: Gandalf the Grey.

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Third Age 2941: late April.

"Mithrandir for what reason do you honor us with your presence?" Lord Elrond asked as Gandalf walked towards him in Rivendell.

"I am here to see your niece Taryn Mellonnen. I need to speak with her about something," Gandalf said to Elrond and Elrond raised his eyebrows giving him a questioning look.

Lord Elrond knew this meant Gandalf wanted his niece to do something for him. After all Gandalf had saved her once a long time ago from a pack of orcs. He was probably asking her to do something for him to return the favor.

"My niece is drawing out in the garden by the fountain Mithrandir. It is her favorite spot in all of Rivendell," Lord Elrond said to him.

"I will go with you," Lord Elrond said to Gandalf. He wanted to make sure Gandalf didn't get his niece involved in anything dangerous.

Lord Elrond led the way to the garden and Gandalf followed along side him. He knew with Elrond around it would be tricky to get the Elven Princess to join in on his quest.

They turned the corner near the fountain and Gandalf saw the Princess sitting under a tree drawing. She looked up at them as she had heard them coming. 'Damn those elf ears' Gandalf thought to himself.

"Mithrandir Mellonnen what brings you to Imladris?" The Princess asked Gandalf as she stood up.

As Gandalf approached her, she wrapped her arms around him pulling him in for a hug.

Gandalf quickly hugged her back. "I have come to talk you about something Taryn," he said to her with a smile on his face.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Taryn asked Gandalf as he led her over to a bench near the fountain. Lord Elrond just sighed at him.

"I must get back to my work. Taryn my niece enjoy your visit with Mithrandir," Lord Elrond said to her before heading back to his study.

Once Lored Elrond was gone Gandalf spoke up.

"I am going on a quest and wish for you to join me. I am appointed with the task of finding a burglar and a guide. And your fighting skills, elf tracking abilities, and healing skills will be greatly needed."

"You want me for a guide? To guide you where Mithrandir?" Taryn asked him as she raised her eyebrows. What was this wizard trying to get her into.

"I can not tell you what the quest is for  here, but I can tell you it involves dwarves."

"Dwarves? Surely dwarves don't need or want help from an elf Mithrandir." Taryn said.

"That is not true my dear, you will be a better at them on a lot of things. You are light on your feet and fast if we are attacked. You can see, hear, and smell better so you will know when danger is around first. And because of your Elven Magic you are a great healer and also a skilled fighter."

"But they will not accept an elf to join them. Most dwarves hate elves and we aren't so fond of them either." Taryn explained to Gandalf.

"Yes but what they do not know will not hurt them. You can easily not pass as an elf because of your unusual height, as long as you hide your ears."

"Also there was once a time when elves and dwarves got along. Even loved one another. I think it is time the feud between elves and dwarves was over." Gandalf added.

Taryn sighed, she knew Gandalf was speaking about how herself and Thorin were once in love. She was not sure she should be going on a quest with a bunch of dwarves. But she owed Gandalf a favor for him saving her life all of those years ago.

And she knew her uncle would not like this one bit.

"If you decide to come on this quest make your way to the village Hobbiton in the Shire in three days time. Once you are there you will know which hobbit hole to go to because there will be a blue mark on a green door. Ask for Bilbo Baggins. Now I must be off, for I still have a lot more to do before this quest begins. Novaer Mellonen." Gandalf said to Taryn.

Taryn nodded to Gandalf. "Novaer Mithrandir," she said to him and waved as left.

Sindarin translated.

Mithrandir -- Gandalf the Grey's name in Sindarin.
It means "Grey Pilgrim" or "Grey Wanderer" (mith "grey" + randir "pilgrim, wandering man").

Mellonnen -- My Friend. (I have seen this spelt differently. But I am using the spelling from the movie transcripts).

Imladris -- is the Sindarin word for Rivendell.

Novaer -- Farewell (Literal meaning: Be good).
That is the end of chapter 25. Will she go on the quest? What does Gandalf have planned for her and Thorin? He knows they are both still alive, but is not about to tell them.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments.

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