Chapter 58: Beorn.

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Taryn rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Her's and Thorin's unborn child had chose a perfect time to make her feel sick. It was dark in Beorn's home, the only thing that could be seen was moonlight shining down. It was lighting up certain sections of the home. She lightly groaned as she fidgeted against Thorin's grasp around her waist. She didn't want to wake him up. So she tilted her head and just watched him sleep.

His head was snuggled up against Taryn's white blonde hair. Thick black lashes, peaceful brow, he is breathing deeply and quietly, his lips were curved into a smile and slightly open. His long raven black hair with strikes of grey was spread out over the hay behind him. Taryn carefully slips from under is arm, his fist clenches the blanket on the hay, but he does not wake up.

She quietly walks away from his sleeping form. She goes to what could be a bathroom and gets sick. 'This is going to be a long year,' she thinks to herself as she walks back to where everyone is sleeping. All is quiet in the home. The only thing Taryn could hear was the snores of the dwarves. The loudest snoring was coming from Bombur of course.

She walks back to where Thorin is laying asleep and quietly sits down next to him. She hears another quiet rusting sound and she lifted her head up. It was Bilbo, he like her couldn't sleep. Though she was sure, that it was not for the same reason. He lifted his head up, looked around, and then rolled onto his side while pushing himself to sit. With her Elven eyes she sees him holding the same gold ring in his hand, it glittered in the pale moonlight room.

"Hey Bilbo," she whispered quietly to him from across the room. She spoke as quietly as she could for he could hear her, but the others would not wake up. She looked down at Thorin as he mumbled in his sleep and draped his arm back across her waist. His hand resting on the tiny growing baby bump.

Bilbo flinched as he heard his name being whispered. He turned his head to the side and jolted up, as if she had caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing. Taryn placed one hand on top of Thorin's hand as she looked over at Bilbo.

"Can't sleep?" She asked him curiously.

"No, not really. You?" He answered her with a small sigh.

Taryn nodded her head at his question. She gave him a slight smile and let out a sigh. "No I can't sleep either. I was feeling sick again." Taryn looked around the home to the peaceful sleeping dwarves. "It is unfair though. They seem to easily be able to sleep," she said with another sigh. "Of course they are males though, like you. So you all can not get sick from the reasons of why I am." She said with a quiet chuckle and realized she was talking too much.

She did wonder however if the reasons he could not sleep, was because of the ring he was holding.

"I'm sorry that you are feeling sick Taryn. I'm sure the reason is worth it though," he said while slipping his hand into waistcoat pockets, which Taryn watched curiously. "I can't sleep myself because I was uncomfortable."

Taryn nodded her head and shot him a simple smile. "Yes, the reason I am sick is so very worth it," she said as she carefully slid her hand underneath Thorin's hand. So her hand was now on top of her tiny bump and Thorin's hand was on top of hers. This movement caused Thorin to mumble again in sleep and his mouth formed into a bigger smile. Taryn let out a loving chuckle as she watched Thorin sleep.

Tilting her head to the side she looked to the window as she laid back down next to Thorin's sleeping form. The moon had disappeared as grey clouds rolled in. "Goodnight Bilbo," she whispered as she snuggled back into her husband's sleeping form. As she snuggled up against Thorin, he wrapped his arm protectively around her. His head nuzzling back where it belonged up against her head, in her white blonde hair.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now