Chapter 9: The Library.

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I used the library scene from Beauty and The Beast for inspiration for my version of Erebor's library. Because I just loved that library so much. And I imagined that is how Thorin would show Taryn the library. The other photo is of how Taryn wore her hair that day.

Thorin's POV:

Thorin woke up that morning doing the same thing he did every morning. He used the bathroom, bathed, got dressed, and ate breakfast. But this morning just felt so different. For one he was much happier then he had been in the past. Even if Taryn was going to be leaving to go back home soon. It just meant he would have to spend as time with her as he possibly could. Of course there was still the issue of her father not liking him or the idea of his daughter being courted by a dwarf.

After breakfast Thorin made his way down the hall from where his bed chamber was to the guest chambers. Once he arrived at Taryn's door he lightly knocked on it. He stood back and waited for her to open the door. He smiled as he watched Taryn slowly open her door.

"Good morning Taryn," he said to her with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Good morning Thorin," she said back and smirked at him.

Today Taryn had her pale white blonde hair down with four sections pulled back to make four braids. The four braids were then hooked together by one big clasp. She still had the two front braids in her hair also that were in front of her ears that matched Thorin's, that Thorin had put in her hair yesterday.

Today she was wearing a lime green floor length dress. The skirt of the dress was loose and flowing starting at her waist. The train of the dress flowed out onto the floor behind her. The outer layer of the dress was made out of sheer type of fabric. The dress had a fitted bodice with a beautiful lace pattern on her waist and a silk belt went around her waist.

The fitted under layer of her bodice stopped just above her chest. The sheer outer layer came up over her chest and stopped just before shoulders. The sheer fabric the went across her shoulders horizontally. So you could see her shoulder blades and collar bone.

"Did you already eat breakfast? If yes I thought I could show you more of the kingdom today. Including our library, I know you will love it." He said to her with a smile on his face.

Taryn smiled and simply nodded at him, "yes I ate breakfast with my father this morning in his sitting room." She said to Thorin.

Thorin nodded, "would you like to see the library?" He asked as he took her hand within his own.

"Yes I would love to," she said as she shut her bed chamber's door.

They walked down the hall towards the wing where the library was. Thorin smiled as he looked over at Taryn.

"By the way you look very mabos today," he said to her. He said the last word in Khuzdûl which caused Taryn to give him a weird look. She figured it was a compliment, but she didn't know what it meant.
(Okay I looked it up and found that on the Internet. I don't know if it really means beautiful, the site may be wrong. But oh well.).

"It means beautiful," he said to her with a smile.
Taryn's POV:

As they reached the library Thorin had her stop at the door leading into the room. The door to the library were huge. First of all it wasn't just one door but one big double doors. They were pretty wide and at least nine feet tall. The doors were made out of a rich deep mahogany wood and were carved with beautiful patterns. The door handle which was at the perfect height for dwarves was made out of a beautiful carved brass metal. Taryn was just in love with the doors and she hadn't even seen the actual library yet.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now