Chapter 54: Azog, Eagles, and A View.

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The sun was setting fast, as the Wargs run down the mountain after the company. Taryn did not wait for others. She ran down the hill twin swords out, as fast as she could. Which was pretty fast since she is an elf. She had seen Azog sitting at the top of the mountain, with her Elven eye sight.

Still feeling sick was the least of her worries, as a Warg charged at her. When the Warg got close, she revolved her wrist and sliced into the beast. She smirked, as the Warg shrieked and dropped to the ground. Hiding behind a tree, she pulled out her bow. She loaded her bow, drew back the string and let the arrow fly. It soar through the darkening forest and hit a Warg. The beast let out a howl as it dropped dead. She tilted her head to the side, just in time to see that poor Bilbo was in trouble.

He had just ducked behind a rock to hid from a nearby Warg. The Warg's jaws snap in the air over Bilbo's head, the Warg lands in front of Bilbo. "Your sword Bilbo! Use your sword," Taryn yells out to hobbit from the tree she was behind.

Growling, the Warg charges at Bilbo. 'Shit,' Taryn thinks to herself as she drew her bow. Letting the arrow fly, it hit its mark in the back of the Warg's head killing it instantly. Bilbo shook in fear with his sword drawn, as the dead Warg drops at his feet.

"Bilbo are you okay?" Taryn asked the shaking little hobbit as she ran over to him. He was still in shock and unresponsive as Taryn stepped up to him. More Wargs soon caught up to the company. Taryn turns on her heels and slices into a Wargs neck with her twin swords, as Bilbo looks on in horror.

"It's him... It's Azog. I saw him," she choked out to Thorin, as tears formed in her eyes. And they dashed off again. "He's after us!"

Thorin shook his head in disbelief as he ran down the mountain with Taryn.

"Thorin, it is him. Unless my Elven eyes are playing a trick on me," Taryn replied to her husband with a sad sigh. She didn't want it to be true, but she knew what she had seen. 

They were able to kill many Wargs, but more just kept coming after them. Their running soon stopped, because the trees that surrounded them soon became sparse and a large drop off cliff appeared before them. The moonlight shined down brightly making silhouettes of the trees in front of them.

"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb," Gandalf said to the company. "Bilbo, climb!" His eyes widened, as he noticed the hobbit was still in shock and unmoving.

Out of the corner of his eye Bifur see an on coming Warg. He throws an axe killing the Warg, as Bofur uses Dwalin's head as an stepping stone to get into a tree. Soon most of the dwarves began to climb the trees. They jumped on another to get up into the trees. Gandalf climbs to the top of the furthest tree; Dwalin boost up Balin. Four dwarves and Taryn help boost up Bombur into a surrounding tree.

"They're coming!" Thorin shouted as he helped boost Bombur up into a tree.

Taryn tilted her head, looking over her shoulder she saw the main body of Wargs and Warg Riders quickly approaching.

Thorin intertwined his fingers together, as Taryn stepped onto his hand to help give her a boost. She is boosted up into the waiting hands of Balin, who pulls her up into the tree with him. "Thorin climb," she shouts down to her husband as she reaches down to help him up. Thorin grabbed her hands and she helped pull him into the tree she was in.

Once they were on a high branch, they sat and Thorin wrapped a protective arm around Taryn. "Are you okay?" He asked her since he knew she was still feeling sick.

Taryn turns her head to see many Wargs running at Bilbo.  He was still on the ground, trying his best to get his sword out of a dead Warg's head. But the sword was stuck firmly. "Bilbo forget the sword! You need to climb or you will get mauled," Taryn shouted out to the small hobbit as she ignored Thorin's question. She still felt nauseated, but she didn't have time to worry about it.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now