Chapter 53: Goblin Town.

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The photos are of Taryn with the company in Goblin Town and after they escape from the Goblins. I couldn't find good angle / good facial expression photos of Emilia as Daenerys in the same outfit / hair style when I made the manips. So, just pretend she's wearing the blue outfit with the blue cloak in all of them lol.

The floor of the cave collapsed downwards. The floor was really a giant trap door and very well made and placed. The entire company falls down a chute, they slid on stone slides and through a tunnel, as they are shouting and screaming the whole time. Thorin does his best to keep a hold on Taryn, but they got separated. At the bottom, they land with a loud thump in a giant wooden cage, with Bombur landing on top of everyone.

Taryn lets out a loud painful groan, at the bottom of the pile. "Bombur get off of me!" She shouted as she struggled to stand up. Thorin let out a grunt as he struggled to push Bombur off of his wife. Finally he is able to roll the large dwarf off of his wife and helps her up.

Once Taryn stands up, she looked around with a widen eyed frightened expression. "No! No, no, it can't be." she cried out. Her face went pale, as her fear grew and her anxiety caused her to panic. "I can't be back here."

Thorin could see the fear in his wife's face and her already white complexion was even paler. He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her close to his body. "Where are we?" He asked Taryn since she had obviously been here before.

"Gob .... Goblin Town!" She muttered, hardly able to speak. "I was captured, held captive, and tortured, years after I was exiled." Taryn cried out as she inhaled deeply.

A high-pitched squeal pierced the air and a pattering footsteps could be heard in the distance. They were coming for them. "Goblins! They're coming," she shouted frightened tone of voice. Taryn's eyes widened and she cursed in Sindarin as she saw the creatures running towards them in the distance. There was no where to run, to get to safety

Suddenly a horde of Goblins come rushing towards Taryn, the dwarves, and Bilbo. They were snarling and squealing like mad as they rushed the entire company on all sides. With prodding fingers and grasping hands, they soon surrounded them. The company shouted, punched, and kicked the goblins to the best of their ability, but it did no good. Soon more goblins swarmed them from behind, by climbing up the cliff which the wooden cage was on.

A few dwarves got some good hits in, but soon as they were grabbed and passed over to the line of Goblins that were waiting to bring them to their leader. Thorin tried to keep a hold on Taryn and fight the Goblins, but she was grabbed and pulled by her leg. She was pulled away from Thorin as the goblins grabbed her and restrained her. She was able to pull her hood up, for they would not recognize her.

They were pushed forward and passed along a vast network of tunnels and wooden rickety bridges to the throne room and platform of the Great Goblin. As they got pushed along a city appeared in the distance. From this city appeared more Goblins, shouting and laughing at the prisoners.

As being pushed along Thorin looked over his shoulder at Taryn who was behind him. He could see that his wife was panicking and had a wide eyed frightened look on her face. She looked like her heart was racing and like her head was about to explode. Moving backwards, he was able to arrive at her side. Interlocking his fingers with hers, he tried his best to calm her down. Taryn felt Thorin's fingers on her fingers and she exhaled deeply. She looked up at her husband as she held his hand and stared into his sapphire blue eyes.

She felt like she was going to either pass out, puke, or cry. Or possibly all three could very likely happen. "I feel sick," she muttered in a whisper to Thorin. "Dont let go of me."

"Don't worry, I promise to never let go," Thorin whispered back to her.

Light yellow lanterns lit the path they were on through the Goblin Town. The light was dim and did not do much for the cavernous space. Though it did make it for it was not pitch black, which the cavern would have been. Most of the details that they were able to see due to the light were not pleasant ones.

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