Chapter 1: Their first meeting.

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Okay here is the first chapter. We start out before Smaug attacked. I am following the timeline of the book, but will also follow some stuff from the movie. Like their looks for their ages and Dwalin being born before Smaug attacked. I may also change some things on the quest.

The picture is of the dress Taryn wears to Erebor. May be a little fancy but oh well, I like it.

Any Elf speaking Sindarin or Dwarve speaking Khuzdûl will both be in italics with translations in bold unless I don't know the phrases in those languages.

Third Age: Some months before Smaug took Erebor in 2770.

Taryn's POV:

"Ada where are we going?" The Elven Princess asked her father as she got onto her immortal horse Luna. She quickly straightened her dress and took the horse's reins into her hand. With her right hand she then pulled the hood of her cloak up and over her head.

"I am going to Erebor to visit the King under the Mountain and you iellig are going with me." The Elven King said as he looked over at her.

Taryn just wondered why they were going to visit the Dwarves and why did she have to go with him.

"Why is Legolas, Vanya, and nana not going with us then?" The Princess asked as she watched her father get on his Elk.

"Because someone has to watch over the kingdom while we are away and Legolas and Vanya are busy with their training," the King said as they began to ride out of the stables.

The Princess just sighed, but nodded in agreement.

"Besides you are very charming iellig and all who meet you like you," he said with a small smile as their guards followed around them.

Taryn smiled back at him as they followed the path that would lead them out of the forest. She quickly turned her head back and looked at their forest home one last time. She would miss her nana, Vanya, and Legolas, but she knew she could not say no to going. It was about a day ride on their horses to Erebor.

Once they arrived at Erebor the Dwarf guards came towards them.

"Halt who goes there," one of them said.

"Hello I am King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm. We were invited by King Thrór to visit Erebor," he said to the guard.

One of the guards nodded and another went to notify their King of the elves arrival.

King Thranduil got down off of his elk and Taryn did the same as her father. Another guard then led their horses and her father's elk into the stables.

The Elven King, Princess, and their own guards then followed the dwarf guards into Erebor.


Thorin's POV:

Thorin stood in his grandfather's throne room standing alongside his grandfather who was sitting on his throne. King Thrór was talking to his son (Thorin's father) Thráin, but Thorin wasn't paying attention.

Thorin would rather be off with Dwalin sparring or doing anything that didn't involve having to meet his grandfather's guests. He would even rather be in the library with Balin.

Thorin was standing there waiting for these said guest to arrive and getting bored as one of their guards entered the throne room.

"Your majesty the Elven King is here," the guard said after he bowed at his King.

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