Chapter 23: Attacked.

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A few weeks later.

"Run faster lthilwen," Taryn called out loud in Sindarin to her immortal horse Luna using her Sindarin name.

Taryn steadied her arm as she sat up on Luna and let her arrow fly from her bow. The arrow went flying until it sunk into the orc's neck, killing him instantly. Taryn had tried to out run the orcs, but it was useless. Luna was fast but not faster then the Orc's wargs. Taryn was out numbered twenty to one, if you counted their wargs.

"SHIT," Taryn yelled out loud as the orcs closed in on her.

Then it happened, Taryn was knocked off of Luna by a orc. The orc was at least double if not triple her size. Taryn landed hard on her back on the ground. She winced out in pain as she unsheathed her one of her twin swords and stabbed the orc in its chest.

Taryn slowly stood up and stood her ground. She was surrounded and she knew she was not going to be able to win this fight. Though she was trained well, she knew she could not take them all on by herself.

Luna had managed to get away from the orcs as they all had their attention set on Taryn. But her immortal horse could not get to the elf to help her.

{Run. Get to safety} Taryn said to Luna using her animal telepathy powers.
Queen Vanadessë's POV:

Taryn's mother Queen Vanadessë had disobeyed her husband's orders. He knew Taryn had escaped Mirkwood much earlier this time, but then they heard the guard's alarm. It meant either the giant spiders or orcs were nearby. She had asked her husband to go after their daughter, to make sure she was okay. She may have ran away but she was still their daughter. He had told her no, let the guard members he sent out deal with it. That it was too dangerous for her to go out and not wait for the guards.

But Vanadessë had not listened to her husband. She went out on her own anyways. She was not about to let her daughter get killed by either giants spiders or orcs. So now here she was in the forest running to aid her daughter with help to defeat the threat.

She ran and leaped onto another branch, she grabbed the branch above her with her right hand. With her Elven eyes she was able to see that her daughter was in great danger. Táriel was surrounded by too many orcs and would not get out of this alive.

In the distance she could see Táriel was fighting off as many orcs as she could with her twin swords. Vanadessë steadied her arm as she pulled back her bow's string and let the arrow fly. She shot as many orcs as she could until she was out of arrows.

Vanadessë jumped down off the branch and ran towards the orcs that were left. As she ran she unsheathed her own twin swords. She stabbed the first orc she came upon and continued to make her way to her daughter.
Taryn's POV:

"What are you doing here nana?" Taryn called out to her mother, as she saw her run towards her.
(Mommy in Sindarin).

"Saving you of course iellig," Vanadessë called out to her daughter, as she killed a couple more orcs.
(My daughter in Sindarin).

They both stood back to back as they slashed as many orcs as they could. Though they had killed a lot of orcs and their wargs, they were still out numbered.

"You shouldn't have came after me, ada is going to be furious." Taryn said to her mother.

"And you shouldn't have ran away again Táriel. Your ada is going to be furious at you as well," Vanadessë said back to her daughter.

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