Chapter 76: The Boat Ride.

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Kíli looked sad and distant, as he watched as the boat filled with his family and friends slowly drifted down the canal. Suddenly one very late Dwarf shoved pass the crowd and emerged onto the dock, he was huffing and panting.

"Ah! So you missed the boat as well?" Bofur asked, with a laugh and a grin on his face. He seemed rather happy with seeing them, knowing he wasn't the only one left here.

The three other Dwarves turned and looked at him. Suddenly Kíli moans in pain, he begins to fall over, but Fíli catches his brother. Fíli looked absolutely worried, and one could see it in his eyes.

"Kíli? Kíli!" Fíli cried, worriedly as his voice trembled. "Óin is he going to be okay?"

Óin sighed as he tried to examine the young brunette Dwarf. Kíli was pale, very pale and unresponsive. Óin put his hand to Kíli's forehead and made a grim face. "He is burning up," Óin said to the other two Dwarves. "We need to find help for Kíli."

"Who are we going to ask for help?" Fíli questioned Óin.

"The Master," Bofur answered. "He let us stay in his home. Maybe he will help us with Kíli."

Fíli frowned at Bofur, as he stood Kíli up. He highly doubted that the Master would help them, after they beat up Alfrid. But Bofur still did not know about that. Fíli put Kíli's arm over his shoulder, Bofur took Kíli's other arm to help and they pushed past the crowd.

The Master and Alfrid walked down the streets of Laketown. The guards were walking in front of them, pushing the crowd of people out of the way.

"Please, wait!" Fíli shouted out to the Master. "Please!"

They were walking up the stairs to The Master's grand mansion, suddenly turning at the top when they heard Fíli.

"We need your help," Fíli pleaded. "My brother is sick!"

"Sick? Is it infectious?" The Master stuttered, putting a cloth over his face and waving them off. "Get back! Alfrid, get them back!"

Alfrid turned at glared down at Fíli from the top of the stairs. "Now why would we help you?" He asked suspiciously. "Especially after what you did to me!"

Fíli glared up at Alfrid. "You deserved that," he muttered under his breath.

"Please, we need medicine." Óin begged them.

"Do I look like an apothecary?" Alfrid retorted, making all of them pale. "Haven't we given you enough? The Master's a busy man. He hasn't got time to worry about sick Dwarves."

"Please!" Bofur pleaded.

"Be gone!" Alfrid shouted at the four Dwarves. "Will you go on? Clear off!"

"Please!" Fíli begged, worriedly. "He is my brother."

"I don't care who he is," Alfrid growled out. "Maybe you shouldn't have kicked me in the stomach and head last night. Let your brother just die. It will be worth it, since I won't be able to kill Taryn now."

Fíli narrowed his eyes at Alfrid. He shouted many curses at Afrid in Khuzdûl, for what he said about his brother and aunt. He was about to recklessly charge at him, but Óin grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Stop," Óin said. "He isn't worth it. We will just ask for help elsewhere."

Fíli frowned, but he soon sighed and nodded, turning himself and Kíli around with the help of Bofur. The four Dwarves weaved in and out of people, on the streets of Laketown. People didn't seem to care about the four small Dwarves, as they went on with their busy day. Eventually the Dwarves made their way back to Bard's house, hoping he would help them. They walked up the stairs to Bard's house, Bofur knocking on the door repeatedly. Bard opened the door with a frown.

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