Chapter 16: The Runaway.

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Taryn was pacing back and forth in her bed chambers trying to figure out how she could leave. She couldn't just leave of course, for the guards would see her. Then they would report it to her father or stop her themselves. She had to go unseen, but how. Even if she left at night there would still be guards at their posts. She needed help and an good idea to get out of a Mirkwood. She only could think of one person Tauriel.

Taryn just hoped since Tauriel was her best friend and the captain of the guard that she would help her. Taryn went from her own bed chamber to Tauriel's. She knew she was off duty at the moment.

"Tauriel."she called out after knocking and opening her door.

"Yes Taryn, what do you need?" Tauriel asked her.

"Can we talk? I was wondering if you heard what happened between my father and myself?" Taryn asked Tauriel.

"Yes Legolas told me what happened. I can't believe you told your father to go kiss an Orc," Tauriel said with a small giggle.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?" She asked Tauriel as she shut the door.

"What do you need?" Tauriel asked her.

"I need help to escape Mirkwood for I can go back to Erebor. I can not stand it here any long. I will miss you, my brother, my sister, and my nana but my heart longs to be with Thorin." She said to Tauriel hoping the elf would help her.

Tauriel sighed at her best friends request, but she understand how she felt. Tauriel had never been in love herself. But she had help her best friend who obviously was in love.

"Okay I will help you, but I can't get caught helping you. What do you need me to do?" Tauriel asked her friend.

"Tonight I want to sneak out of Mirkwood, but the guards would see me. I need them to be distracted. No one will know you are helping me, if you take over their post." Taryn said to her.

"I will pack my things and leave after my father is drinking his wine tonight. You know how gets after he has been drinking," Taryn added.

Tauriel nodded her head, "okay I think I can do that. But be careful, the Elven road is dangerous at night."

"I know Tauriel I will be careful and thank you. Meet me when the moon is up," she said to Tauriel and then exited her room.

Tauriel simply nodded her head at her in agreement.
After leaving Tauriel's bed chambers Taryn went straight back to her own room. She grabbed all of her packs out of her closet and laid them on her bed. She packed all of her favorite dresses including ones from Thorin, she packed all of her underclothes, night gowns, silk robe, traveling pants, traveling shirts, and traveling dresses. She then packed her socks, extra riding boots and slip on shoes.

She closed the packs when they were full and opened a new one. She then packed her journals, sketchbooks, pencils, story books, and the letters from Thorin that she did receive. She made sure she was wearing all of her jewelry and her princess crown. She also packed the locket and bag Thorin had given her to keep her courting beads in. Of course the actual beads were still in her hair. Taryn next went into her bathroom and packed her body scrub, Elven shampoo, Elven conditioner, bath scents, body spray, her brush, comb, hair pins, hair ties, and her hand mirror.

She laid her cloak out on her bed and laid out her weapons (daggers, twin swords, bow, arrows, and her quiver). She made sure not to forget the daggers from Thorin also. She also laid out a stack of travel clothes to change into after dinner.

She double checked her room and made sure she had packed all she would want. Including all of her gifts from Thorin. She did not plan on coming back to Mirkwood. The only thing she left behind was her baby dolls from her childhood and some dresses that were her least favorite. She also made sure to pack her favorite blanket and soft bath towels.

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