Chapter 45: Moon Runes.

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I dedicate this chapter to RiseOfTheNerds and Bonesxbones for always reading, voting, and commenting on my chapters thank you.
I will dedicate the next chapter to the people who gave me great ideas for Taryn's gift. I have decided to push it to another chapter again.

Taryn walked down the corridors of Rivendell. She really loved that she was back home, even if it was for a short while. It was a great needed rest. She sighed as she inhaled the smells of the valley. She loved going for nightly walks by herself in her home. Feeling the wind on her face, smelling the smells of the multiple waterfalls, the feeling of the moonlight on her skin, and really the calming feeling of being in such a relaxing and peaceful place.

Though she did not have a lot of time to go wandering around Rivendell tonight. She had to go meet Gandalf, her uncle, Thorin, Bilbo, and Balin in one of the halls. They were going to discuss the map that Gandalf gave Thorin. That is if Thorin would actually tell her uncle about it.

After dinner was over and the clean up of the food fight done Thorin had escorted Taryn back to her bed chambers. He had told her that he was still unsure if he would tell her uncle about it. Taryn understood, but she thought he should. He left her to go meet the others, while Taryn wanted to change first.

So now here she was walking the corridor that led to the hall they were meeting in. She had slowly taken her sweet time, so now she was late. As she walked up to the door way, she could hear the discussions already starting. Apparently they had no impatience, to wait for her. 'How rude,' she thought to herself and huffed.

"Our business is no concern of elves." She heard Thorin state sharply to either Gandalf or her uncle.

Taryn let out a sigh as she stopped at the door way. There he went using the E word again. She hated when he used it like that. Taryn walked through the door way and everyone turned as she entered. She slowly walked up to Thorin and stood by his side.

"About time you get here," Gandalf muttered to Taryn with a frown. "Talk some sense into your . . ." Gandalf coughed he wasn't sure what they were to each other. "Your whatever he is to you!" he exclaimed with a sigh.

Taryn simply let out a small chuckle. In truth she didn't know what they were to each other yet. They were once betrothed to be married, but that was before Smaug attacked. Now they had just re-found each other and only kissed and said I love you. They had not spoken about their relationship yet. Also she knew there was no making a dwarf do something that he did not want to do. Even if she was his one.

"Gandalf you know you can't force a dwarf to do something he does not want to do." She said to the Wizard, who just made a face at her. "Also it is his choice to make, not mine." She added.

Thorin turned to look at her, but he didn't say a word. He simply took her hand into his own and intertwined their fingers together.

"For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map." Gandalf said as if he completely ignored what Taryn had said to him.

Taryn let out a huff in frustration, she hated being ignored. Wizards and their meddling ways also drove her crazy.

"It is the legacy of my people," he responded as he let go of Taryn's hand and crossed his arms over his chest. "It is mine to protect, as are its secrets."

Gandalf let out a sigh, as he rolled his eyes. "Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall." Looking back at Thorin he continued. "You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle-earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond."

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