Chapter 32: Pines Were Roaring.

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As Gandalf talked to Bilbo in the sitting room, Taryn went to make Bilbo some tea. She made her way back through the dinning room, slowly glancing at Thorin as she walked. In the kitchen she boiled some water for Bilbo's tea and grabbed down a mug out of the cabinet. She stood against the counter and watched Thorin out of the corner of her eye as she waited for the water to boil.

Once the tea was made, she walked through the dinning room again and into the sitting room.

"Here you go Bilbo. Are you feeling any better?" She asked the hobbit as she handed him the tea.

Bilbo slowly nodded his head as he took the tea into both of his hands.

"Dwarves can be a bit hard to handle if you are not use to them," she slowly said in a whisper to the hobbit as she sat down next to him.

"You have been around dwarves before?" Bilbo asked her curiously with a uncertain look on his face.

Taryn just smiled and nodded her head, "yes but it was a long long time ago." Taryn said as she turned her head to watch Thorin.

"I knew some very well," she added as she let out a long sigh.

Bilbo narrowed his eyes as he watched Taryn look at Thorin in a weird sort of way. He wondered what she meant by that statement.

Taryn simply smiled at Bilbo as she stood and left him alone in the sitting room with Gandalf. She slowly made her way back into dinning room.

"So I know some of you already and few of you have already introduced yourself," she said as she glanced, pointed at, and said Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Fíli, Kíli, Bofur and Dori.

"But I don't know who is who for the rest of you," she said.

"I am Táriel Calithiliel of Rivendell and exiled princess of Mirkwood. Please call me Taryn though," she said with a smile as she looked over all of them.

"Bombur at your service," said a orange haired dwarf who talked with his mouth full.

The next dwarf just mumbled words in Khuzdûl. Taryn was only able to catch about half of it because he talked so fast and Thorin hadn't taught her every word in Khuzdûl.

"He is Bifur my cousin. He only speaks our language," Bofur said to the elf.

Taryn slowly nodded her headed as she understood. Of course she couldn't tell him that she did speak some Khuzdûl. That was a secret between her, Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin.

"Glóin at your service," said a dark red haired dwarf as he bowed.

"Óin at your service," said a grey haired dwarf as he held his trumpet to his ear.

"Nori at your service," said a brown haired in the shape of a star dwarf as he tucked a piece of Bilbo's silver into his shirt.

"Ori at your service," said the youngest looking dwarf who had said he wasn't afraid of no dragon earlier.

Taryn smiled as each of them introduced their self to her. "Nice to meet you all," she said once they were finished.

Taryn watched as Thorin and Balin walked into the hallway and began to talk to one another. Because of her elven hearing she could hear their conversation perfectly. She slowly listened to pieces of their conversation and pieces of Gandalf's and Bibo's conversation.

She sighed as she listened to the hobbit say he could not sign the contract. She then watched him walk down the hall from the sitting room.
Thorin's POV:

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